Remember me
Dear John
The girl next door
Never been kissed
A cinderella story
Another cinderella story
17 again
Valentine's day
The princess bride
If only
Love story
How to lose a guy in 10 days
What a girl wants
Mean girls
The prince and me
The prince and me 2: The royal wedding
The prince and me 3: Royal honeymoon
The last song
Buna! uite cateva :
17 again
american virgin
an wilder :freshman year
super sweet 16
it's a boy girl thing
wild child
mean girl
what a girl wants
the breakfast club
confession of a teenage drama queen
american pie
not another teen movie
hooking up
raise your voice
step up
my best friends girl
the Lizzie McGuire movie
boys and girls
the girl next door
surf school
10 things i hate about you
freaky friday
new york minute
cow belles
sydney white
material girl
the good girl
13 going on 30
miss march
legally blondes
picture this
youth in revolt
whatever it takes
dr Dolittle tail on the chief
foreign exchange
bring it on (toate)
A Cinderella story
Another Cinderella story
A walk to remember
step up 1, 2
50 first dates
Dear John
The time traveler's wife
If only
An Education
August rush
Sweet November
My sassy girl
The notebook
date night
valentine's day
the back-up plan
women in love
when in Rome
just like heaven
booty call
my girl
return to me
Seven pounds
City of angels
Love actually
Ps i love you
Amelie Poulain
The lake house
He's just not that into you
500 days of summer
Nick and Norah's infinite playlist
picture this
50 first dates
27 dresses
Message in a bottle
Love Story
Love`n dancing
The fountain
Dirty dancing
Dragoste risipita
Fiica presedintelui
Eu si printul
The persuit of happiness
Forever young
My sister keeper
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