| MMORPG a întrebat:

Sal all... am si eu o problema sora mea din italia are pc stricat asa ca nu poate sa intre pe YM, FB, etc ma suna si imi spuse ca o prietena o suna si i spusa ca e pe mess da nu are cum pentru ca are pc stricat asa ca intrai pe mess si o salutai si imi raspunse o fata engleza uitati toata conversatia as vrea sa ma ajutati cumva sa-i blochez contul (mentionez ca stiu parola varei mele) sau nu stiu cv de genu da si apropo conversatia:
McShot: cf?
Enache Angi: hey!
Enache Angi has unloaded the IMVironment.
Enache Angi: i have got a surprise for you, hold on
McShot: who are you?
Enache Angi: ohhh sorry. my name is catherine, i believe we once talked a couple of months ago
Enache Angi:?
McShot: wait
McShot: where are you from?
Enache Angi: Apple is giving 750 free macbooks today in honor of steve jobs: http://bit.ly/sA51P8
Enache Angi: im from San Francisco but i currently live in phoenix
McShot: i am from romania
Enache Angi is typing...
Enache Angi: Mine is arriving tomorrow, let me know if you get one too
McShot: this is my cousin ID how you get him? ( ok scuze pentru eng varza...) astept raspuns :)

Răspuns Câştigător
| YTBDrawingBase a răspuns:

Ba esti nebun?!
am primit aceleasi raspunsuri de la una din lista mea de mes:|
m-am bagati in seama cu ea si:
The Unique One MmM: wara wara
wormie444: hey!
The Unique One MmM: w sup
The Unique One MmM: :)
wormie444: i got a surprise for you :P, hold on
The Unique One MmM: okay
wormie444: Apple is giving 750 free macbooks today in honor of steve jobs: http://bit.ly/tsWo3m
The Unique One MmM: realy?
The Unique One MmM: but how u get them
wormie444: Mine is arriving tomorrow, let me know if you get one too
The Unique One MmM: how can i get one
The Unique One MmM: http://yahooshort.com/? id=f7671f822d49cf28&s=1&user=blue_*********_******
The Unique One MmM: its a redirect to this link
The Unique One MmM: its not working
The Unique One MmM: u have the direct link?
The Unique One MmM:?

-i-am dat conversatia gasita in intrebarea asta:
McShot: cf?
Enache Angi: hey!
Enache Angi has unloaded the IMVironment.
Enache Angi: i have got a surprise for you, hold on
McShot: who are you?
Enache Angi: ohhh sorry. my name is catherine, i believe we once talked a couple of months ago
Enache Angi:?
McShot: wait
McShot: where are you from?
Enache Angi: Apple is giving 750 free macbooks today in honor of steve jobs: http://bit.ly/sA51P8
Enache Angi: im from San Francisco but i currently live in phoenix
McShot: i am from Romania
Enache Angi is typing...
Enache Angi: Mine is arriving tomorrow, let me know if you get one too

then i :The Unique One MmM: wtf are u doing with me
wormie444: ohhh sorry. my name is catherine, i believe we once talked a couple of months ago :P
The Unique One MmM: ***
what is this
pana la urma cei cu linkul ala.e un redirect catre adultfriend, un site de matrimoniale...:( dc aceleasi raspunsuri?

am gasit asta

si nu numai :


2 răspunsuri:
| Tibyarad a răspuns:

Buna, ma numesc Szabo Tiberiu si ofer asistenta la calculatoare pe teritoriul Italiei, Telefon:
DigiMobil: 0039/3733437745
Wind: 0039/3338370866
E-mail: tiberiu_szabo@yahoo.it

| Tibyarad a răspuns (pentru Tibyarad):

Scuze nr de wind este 3888370866 stima