Hello.My name is x and I am x years old. I am very excited to know more about you.
I have a brother (18 years old) and he lives with me.My mother's name is x. I like to swim, to eat, the reels, bicycle/bike, especially to sit on the computer and with my freinds
I like so much youre gift and thank you!
I wait to write me.
dear x...nu stiu cum se zice "cu drag" scrie doar numele tau.
daca crezi ca nu am scris corect uita-te pe site-urile astea:
sper ca te-am ajutat.
Hello.My name is x and I am x year old. I am very excited to know more about you.
I have a brother who lives with me 18 years. On my mother a call x. I like swimming, eating, skating, cycling, especially on the computer and sit with friends.
I liked your gift and thank you. Can not wait to write my friend.
Helo.My name is x and i have x years old. I'm verry pleased to find out more about you. I have a brother of 18 years old who live with me.My mother name is x. I love swimming, eating, the roller skates and bike, especially stay at computer and with friends. I'd loved your prresent, thank you. I can't wait to read me buddy. Love x
Buna= hello
ma numesc =My name is
si am x ani= and have x years
Sunt foarte entuziasmat sa aflu mai multe despre tine=are very excited to know more about you
Hallo, My name is x and I have x years old. I am very excited to find out more about you.
I have a brother, he is 18 years old and he lives with me. My mother's name is X. I like to swim, to eat, inline skating, biking, and especially to spend my time on PC or with my friends.
I love your present, thank you. I am looking forward to read your next letter.
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