Scz sa te dezamagesc da nu prea le gasesti decat daca le traduci cu google translate.asa am facut si eu, dar le-am mai corectat putin.
Eu nu ar trebui să te iubesc, dar vreau să fac asta
Eu nu ma pot intoarce
Eu nu ar trebui sa te vad, dar nu ma pot misca
Eu nu pot privi departe
Eu nu ar trebui să te iubesc, dar vreau să fac asta
Eu nu ma pot intoarce
Eu nu ar trebui sa te vad, da nu ma pot misca
Eu nu pot privi departe
Şi nu ştiu cum să fie bine când eu nu sunt asa
Pentru ca eu nu ştiu cum să fac sentimentul sa se opreasca
Refren [:]
Ca să ştii
Acest sentiment a preluat controlul asupra mea
Şi eu nu îl pot ajuta
Eu nu voi sta în jur, eu nu pot să-l las sa castige acum
Credeam că trebuie să ştiţi
Am incercat sa dau tot ce e mai bun din mine ca sa renunt la tine
Dar eu nu vreau asta
Eu doar să-ti spun
Inainte sa plec
Ca să ştii
Devinde din ce in ce mai greu sa fiu in preajma ta
Nu am atat de multe lucruri de spus
Tu vrei ca eu sa-mi ascund sentimentele
Şi sa ma uit in alta parte
Şi nu ştiu cum să fie bine când eu nu sunt asa
Pentru ca eu nu ştiu cum să fac sentimentul sa se opreasca
Acest gol este ma omoara
Si ma intreb de ce am asteptat atat de mult
Privind în urmă îmi dau seama
Ca a fost acolo mereu doar ca nu a vorbit deloc
Te aştept aici ...stau asteptand aici.
1. I shouldn't love you but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you but I can't move
I can't look away
I shouldn't love you but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you but I can't move
I can't look away
And I don't know how to be fine when i'm not
Cuz I don't know how to make a feeling stop
Refren:Just so you know this feeling it's taking control of me and I don't want to
I won't sit around I can't lay it with now
Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you but I don't want to
I just gotta say all before I go just so you know.
2.It's getting hard to be around you it's so much I can't say
Do you want be to have the feelings and look the other way
And I don't know how to be fine when i'm not
Cuz I don't know how to make a feeling stop.
Versuri Jesse McCartney - Just so you know
de pe
Refren:Just so you know this feeling it's taking control of me and I don't want to
I won't sit around I can't lay it with now
Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you but I don't want to
I just gotta say all before I go just so you know.
Safetyness killing me and I wonder why I've waiting so long
Looking back I realised it was always there just never spoken
I'm waiting here
Been waiting here
Refren:Just so you know this feeling it's taking control of me and I don't want to
I won't sit around I can't lay it with now
Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you but I don't want to
I just gotta say all before I go just so you know.
Tought you should know I've trïed my best to let go of you but I don't want to
I just gotta say all before I go just so you know. in romana nu exista
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