--And I would like to visit countries in Europe. ( Mi-as dori sa vizitez tarile din Europa.)
--I'm going to go on a trip.(Am de gand sa merg in excursie.)
--I'm going to do some courses in French.(Am de gand sa fac cateva cursuri de limba franceza.)
--I'm going to subscribe to a drawing contest.(Am de gand sa ma inscriu la un concurs de desen.)
Sper sa iti fie de ajutor! Funda?
I would like to go to university.i would like to became a doctor(sau ce vrei tu).i would like to travel.i would like to have a lot of friends.i would like to learn swiming
In the future i'd would like to become a medic.
When i grow older i plan to get married and to start a familly, of course i put my carrer on first place.
I dont know but Romania's future plans is not sounding good.
I hope that future me is better that actual me.
etc nu mai imi vine nimic in minte.succes la inspectie
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