Am mai multe teorii in legatura cu cauzele problemei tale. In primul rand, asigura-te ca data si ora curenta a sistemului de operare este la zi.
In al 2-lea rand, este posibil ca sistemul tau sa fie infectat, de aceea recomand cat mai repede achizitionarea Malwarebytes Anti-malware (versiunea gratis), actiune urmata de o scanare a unitatilor logice.
PS: Nu am idee daca deja esti in posesia unei solutii de securitate sau nu, dar Malwarebytes are un motor impecabil de cautare a virusilor.
Am dedus o posibila cauza a problemei tale citind acest forum.
Citez : This is most likely your antivirus program (eg. McAfee Total Protection) blocking Chrome from accessing the internet. The firewall is blocking Google Chrome because the antivirus program no longer recognizes it - even though it is on the list of permitted programs. To fix this problem:
1. Click on Firewall > Settings
2. Click on Program Permissions
3. Click Google Chrome & the Delete button
4. Click the Add button
5. Browse for the Google Chrome.exe file (it should be in your User folder>App Data>Local>Google>Chrome>Application
6. Add the program and you're done!
PS: Se aplica si in cazul Firefox.
In concluzie, adauga-le browserelor tale exceptii in Windows Firewall.
Asta inseamna ca ori nu iti merge netul, sau facebokol sau nu mai te lasa sa intri pentru ca nu ai mai intrat de mult