Mean Girls (e super tare)
Not another teen
Straw Dogs
Misiune Imposibila (daca nu l-ai vazut)
Twilight (toate filmele sunt suuuperr)
Euro Trip (e o comediee genialaaa deci asta ti-l recomand cu toata incredereaa)
Bad teacher (si asta e super taree)
Little Fockers (si asta e o comedie super. si 1 si 2 :d)
Daca as fi tu (e super)
Fast and Furious
Sex and the city
Cam atatea stiu :d Dar uita-te ca sunt super toate Fundaa? :d
AMerican pie toate sunt fff calumea mai ales 5 si 6
New York minute
There's something about Mary
Love at first hiccup
john tucker must die
uita`te la trailere si vezi daca iti placAMerican pie merita vazut te asigur
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