Uite aici:
Only hope - Mandy Moore
Far Away- Nickelback
Everytime we touch-Cascada
Your Winter-Sister Hazel
You Found Me-Kelly Clarkson
The Weakness in Me-Joan Armatrading
Where'd You Go- Fort Minor
A Thousand Miles
Feels like Home-Edwina Heyes
Can't help falling in Love with You
The Saltwater Room-Owl City
For the first Time- The Script
You'll be in my Heart- Phill Collins
Don't Matter-Akon
I will Always Return-Bryan Adams
Gotta Find You-Joe Jonas
Haru Haru-Big Band
Just the Girl-The Click Five
Sper ca te-am ajutat
Andra-dragostea e tot ce ramane
Close to you-dj aligator
scorpions-wind of change
1.Arssura-Prea tarziu
2.Ca o stea-Nane
3.da'cruz-povestea unui suflet
4.Dj Aligator-Close to you
5.Doar o sansa-Nane
6.Doddy si Nane-Niciun zambet
7.Doze-Pentru ea
8.Ego-Pentru ca te iubesc
9.Nane-Diamant si support
10.Cosy si Mona-Doar eu si cu tine
11.Fosyla-te iubesc
12.Fosyla-Prima dragoste
14.George si Shaaman-Ca foi copii
15.Indiferent si Doze-Regrete amoroase
16.Lu-k ft Da'Cruz-Asculta-ti inim
17.Nana si George hora-Noi doi
18.Nimeni Altu cu Faibox-Inger si Demon
19. Optyk fy XoXo-Dragostea pierduta
20.Rappa-Sa nu ma cauti
21. What's Up-Povestea inimii
22.Adi Cristescu-Singur in doi
23.Maroon 5-One more night
24.Andrei Leonte-Te iubesc cat doi
Funda? :3
Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVyGTJk3blY ANDREI LEONTE TE IUBESC CAT 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80zP4iXTapg DELIA DOI IN UNU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWZYwvXI8WA l.a OCHI TAI
De pinde ce gen de muzica asculti da iti dau mai multe genuri
sper ca te-am ajutat;)