| ☺Pǻ§†ٱLµ†Zǻ●Löž☻ a întrebat:

Spuneti-mi si mie statusuri in ingleza dar si traduse daca se poate despre oricehappy... dau funditahappy

Răspuns Câştigător
| L a răspuns:

1. A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind...

2. A smile doesn’t cost anything...
3. A bad workman always blames his tools!
4.Breathless kisses, burning touches, soft-spoken words of love urgently spoken words of passion!
5.Don’t be sad, don’t be blue...Frankenstein was ugly too.laughing
6. We've walked on this earth many times together; perhaps for a moment; perhaps for years but our heart is one heart and we were meant to be.
7.Be optimistic, all the people you hate are going to eventually die smile.
8. We've been together before, in other lifetimes, we've fought dragons, and have been torn from each others arms yet our love prevailed...
9.Death is patient. She waits for every single one of us. I started out with nothing... and I still have most of it!
10. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them
Sper ca te-am ajutatwinking:*

5 răspunsuri:
| l0rre a răspuns:

Sunt multe statusuri de zis
mai bine intra pe www.statusuri.ro si iti vei alege statusul care iti place.succes

| Яùxsi a răspuns:

Un prieten adevarat e greu de gasit, si mai greu de parasit si imposibil de uitat. (True friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.)

Prietenia este ca relatia dintre mana si ochi. Cand mana se raneste, ochii plang. Si cand ochii plang, mana le sterge lacrimile. (Friendship is like the relation between hands and eyes. When the hand gets hurt, the eye cries, and when the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.)

O prietenie care ia sfarsit n-a existat de fapt. (A friendship that can end, never really began.)

| bLow a răspuns:

Desigur cel mai bun site pana in prezent chiar daca este el mai nout dar poate fi populat de catre voi www.statusuritraduse.slayslc.com

| ☺Pǻ§†ٱLµ†Zǻ●Löž☻ explică:

Engleza* scuze