| Katherineeeeee a întrebat:

Stiti in ce episod era partea aia in care stefan ii zice elenei despre ce simte atunci cand bea sange de om? ca zice ceva de genu ca nu poate opri acea durere doar cand se hraneste si are nu stiu ce sentiment. cine imi poate zice exact ce a zis? pls sau in ce episod. dau funda uriasa

Răspuns Câştigător
| Amorezatul a răspuns:

Parafrazez: "It hurts me. It hurts me knowing what I've done. And that pain, that pain is with me all the time. And every day I think that if I just, if I just give myself over to the blood, I can make that pain stop. It would be that easy. And every day I fight that. And I am so terrified that one day I'm not going to want to fight that anymore more, Elena. And the next time I hurt somebody, it could be you.

Episodul este din sezonul 1, Episodul 20 Blood Brothers! Sper ca te-am putut ajuta!

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