1.Daca m-ar intreba cineva ce as alege intre viata si tine, as alege viata, iar tu ai pleca suparata nestiind ca viata mea esti tu
2.E atat de frumos sa gasesti sentimentul pierdut. E atat de frumos sa oftezi dupa primul sarut. E atat de frumos sa iubesti si sa fii iubit.
3.Il iubesc da prostu' nu-si da seama.
4. Daca as fi un fluture mic m-as ascunde intr-un plic.Iar cand plicul s-ar fi rupt as iesi sa te sarut.
5.Gandeste-te la cel mai frumos lucru. inmulteste-l cu infinitul. aduna-l cu eternitatea si vei afla cat mult te iubesc eu pe tine...:*
6. Daca cineva va putea scrie cu un cub de gheata pe soare inseamna ca te iubeste mai mult decat mine
7."I love you" in engleza, "Je t'aime" in franceza, iar in stil romanesc eu iti spun pur si simplu "Te Iubesc! "
8.Ingeras din cer picat, ochii tai m-au fermecat, dintr-o singura privire, s-a ivit a mea iubire!
9.Aseara au cazut 200 de stele. Nu mi-am pus 200 de dorintze ci 1 de 200 de ori. Sa ma iubesti asa cum te iubesc si eu.
10.Ne-am indragostit ca naiba:eu de tine, tu de alta.
11.Stiu cand sa rad, cand sa fiu suparata, cand ochii tai sa fiu... cea mai importanta fata.
12.De vei plange pentru mine
Spune-mi ca sa plang si eu
De vei plange pentru alta
Iti doresc sa plangi mereu.
13.Te-am intalnit in clipe triste
Cand sufletu-mi era pustiu
S-am inceput sa tin la tine
Fara sa vreau... fara sa stiu.
14. Ceea ce-ti scriu acum nu sunt cuvinte, sunt bucati de suflet si minte, caci dragostea nu se scrie se simte…
15. Dumnezeu ne-a dat 2 picioare sa mergem, 2 maini sa tinem, 2 ochi sa vedem, 2 urechi sa auzim, dar de ce ne-a dat o sg. inima? Pt ca pe cealalta i-a dat-o altcuiva ca tu sa o gasesti…
16. Dragostea se naste din priviri, creste pe buze si moare in lacrimi
17.Te iubesc 12 luni dintr-un an, 7 zile dintr-o saptamana, 24 ore pe zi, 60 secunde dintr-un minut, iar daca mi-ar ramane o singura secunda in plus… te-as iubi!
18. Dragostea este singurul joc care se joaca in 2 si ambii castiga…
19.Alfabetul inepe cu A… numaratoarea cu UNU… supararea cu o LACRIMA… dragostea cu tine!
20.Pentru a trai am nevoie de batai de inima. Pt asta,am nevoie de o inima. Pt o inima, am nevoie de fericire. Pt fericire, am nevoie de tine…:*
21.Sunt stele ce dispar in noapte, dar niciodata nu se sting, sunt departari ce par aproape si inimi tari care inving…
22. Dragostea e speranta si fara speranta lumea nu ar exista…
23. Iubeste caci numai iubind poti vedea frumusetile vietii astfel vei fi mai fericit si orice obstacol il vei trece mai usor…
24. Iti multumesc pentru ca existi in viata mea si pentru ca ma ajuti sa inteleg ce inseamna sa iubesti si sa fii iubit…
25. Nu pot sa respir cand nu esti langa mine, pentru ca tu esti aerul meu!
1. When I`m with you I feel like I`m flying…you are all what I hope so many years…your love keep me alive…and if I don`t have it anymore then I will die!
2. Sweet thought- many people think "I love you" are the best words to hear but the truth is that "I love you too" are the greatest words to hear back!
3.I love you - those three words have my life in them.
/ \
4. Love is all I need.
5.I'll love you until peaches grow on mango trees on the 31st of feb! :]
6. Love is something which comes to you when destiny gets tired of waiting!
7.Some tears never dry!
8.I lie on the ground,
And stare into space,
The stars start to move,
Into the shape of your face.
I see you there now,
Looking down at me,
With that cute little smile,
That I like to see.
You say "close your eyes",
"Tell me what you see",
I see only two people,
Just you and me.
9. What is love? In math, a problem. In history, a battle. In science, it's a reaction. In art, it's a ♥. But to me? Love always will be you...
10.I wish my brain was like my PC... after I delete all the unwanted files I could just restart it and everything would be running fine.
11. Each heart has some pain, only the way of expressing is different. Some hide it in their eyes while some hide it in their smile.
12. Just because we're not close anymore, doesn't mean I don't care about you!
13. Love is so easy to feel but so hard to explain
Easy to get but so hard to let go
Easy to spell so hard to define...
14.Never say I love you if you really don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there.
Never hold my hand if you are gonna break my heart.
Never say you are going to if you don't plan to start.
Never look into my eyes if all you do is lie.
Never say hi if you really mean goodbye.
If you really mean forever then say you will try.
Never say forever cuz forever makes me cry...
15. Where there is the greatest love, there are always miracles
16. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
17. Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.
18.In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities
19.At last I know what love is really like...8>
20.8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning...I Love You.
21.We can only learn to love by loving
22.You are what I never knew I always wanted.
23. When I first saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.
24. Love is like a rumor, everyone talks about it, but no one truly knows.
25.If I know what love is, I't is because of you...
Sper sa le folosesti!
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