so simple!
nu!- YOLO stiam cum e faza!
swag nu e aia si nici : sex with a ginger.
il folosesc rapperi in versuri si altecele.
SWAG iti spun ca asta inseamna sigur, termenul asta a fost inventat in anii 60' de un grup de gay din Hollywood. Inseamna "secretly we are gay" si cel mai frecvent este folost in cod (SWAG) anuntand origiile gay
Orginally from the Scottish slang word "swagger" which was a description of the way some Scots walk (in a swaying motion), the word was then misinterpreted by the English as "the way someone presents themselves". Eg, whether someone looks cool.
The word quickly made its way to the states and has ever since become the catchphrase of douchbags and tools everywhere.
Person 1: "I think that guy off Jersey Shore has swag"
Person 2: "You're a dick"
Din cate am vazut si auzit eu Swag eu un stil nou la negrii (oamenii de culoare din State ) mai ales rapperi. Acest stil tine foarte mult de vestimentatie, cum au jeansii aceia conici, lanturi, haine foarte colorate si accesorii ciudate.
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