Buna uite aici:
Friendship can exist between people who are not of the same sex, same age, profession or religion.
Neighbor relationships are established:
-Common interests;
Friends should always tell you what they think.
They accept you and love you as you are.
Friendship is not a single effect StarDate where one person gives forever... otherwise what would be and this friendship?
If you made a mistake, you must be mature enough that we take it.
The first thing you must do is apologize.
I have even more courage to talk about what happened and apologize, but you need more courage to speak up again.
If you try to talk seriously about what you think, then you must accept the other person's opinions, even if they could not hear what fits you.
The idea is that just talking about it, come to realize where you're wrong, and discover some things about you, otherwise you would not have to know where.
The very fact that we are so different helps us understand so well.
Do not ever abandon a friend Especially if someone forces you to do!
A friend in need is known!
Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor
Nu te supara, dar exista dictionare. Si in plus mi se pare o prostie sa ceri sa ti se faca tema pe net.ca presupun ca asta e. O sa iti trebuiasca engleza foarte mult si daca nu o inveti la timp.degeaba.