April 29 marks the worldwide International Day of Dance. The event is celebrated by reading a message sent by a figure in the field of gender in all institutions in the world. This year, the message was sent by dancer and choreographer Sasha Waltz (photo).
In his message, Sasha Waltz dance speaks about the role it plays in the life of every man and his universality as a means of expression. "We dance at weddings, on the streets, on stage and behind the scenes. To convey joy like a ritual. He is a universal language: emissary for equality, tolerance and compassion. Teaches dance to be sensitive, more careful and conscientious When you live. He is a manifestation that we are living. "
Sasha Waltz was born in 1963 in Karlsruhe, Germany. He studied dance and choreography in Amsterdam and New York. He founded, together with Jochen Sandig, in 1993, the company Sasha Waltz & Guests. " In September 1999 he was named artistic director of Theatre Schaubühne I Lehniner Platz in Berlin.
He made productions "Korper", "S", "nobody" or "Impromptus". In January 2005 he signed for the first time a show choreographed opera "Dido & Aeneas." He was involved in opening a training center in music, dance and visual arts, in September 2006 in Berlin.
In 1982, the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the International Dance Committee has decided that every year on April 29, to celebrate International Dance Day. At this time he was born, in 1727, the creator of modern ballet, Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810).
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