Eu stiu mai multe melodii, ti le voi zice pe cele ceva mai noi.
-IYAZ- replay
-Justin bieber-Baby
-Rihanna- Rude Boy
-Anda Adam -My love on you
-Kesha- Tik Tok
-Mossano -Indianotech
-Katy Perry -Startrukk
- Black Eyed Peas- Meet Me Halfway
-Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce- Telephone
-Inna- 10 minutes
-Ashley Tisdale- Crank it up ( nu e noua, dar imi place)
Dj sava feat. raluk-sweet love si september
deepcentral-in love
rihanna-rude boy, russian roulette
scorpions-still loving you, me and you
evanescence-taking over me, bring me to life
juan magan-mueve su pelo
connect-r-the reason, murderer
chris mayer feat. connect-r-4 the love of music
arssura-mereu copil, o privire
adda-noi doi, prietenie adevarata, satula de vorbe
blaxy girls-tu, respir incet
david deejay feat. dony-so bizzare
jason mraz-i'm yours
teasta-fara tine, un inger pierdut
michael jackson-dirty diana, give in to me
cam astia ii ascult eu
Deepcentral - in love
Inna - no limit
david Deejay - So high
Avicii - So excited
Atb- Behind
Andreea BAnica - Samba
Connect -r : People
Blaxy girl-sar
lady gaga-optimist
gloaia estefan-hoy
anda adam-love on you
I will be here
when ever you go
spin-sunt fericita
spin-nimeni pe drum
smiley-plec pe marte
i can't help myself.
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