Nu incurajez facutul temelor de catre altii pe acest site s-au oricare altul dar tu macar te-ai straduit sa iti faci tema si te-ai straduit cat ai putut. Ar trebui sa citesti mai mult in engleza, o sa te ajute mult, se vede ca ai inca destule carente. Nu trebuie sa uiti ca a cunoaste engleza bine e un plus extrem de mare de care vei avea nevoie pe viitor. Sper ca urmatoarea ta tema sa iasa mult mai bine. Acum uite varianta corectata si putin modificata (anumite cuvinte pe care le-ai scris nu prea se potriveau si nu aveau sens in acea forma data:
My name is Vivi and i'm fourteen.I live in...
What can I say about myself?
I like to hang out with my friends, outdoors mostly but I also like going to the movies with them.
I'm always smiling and I love life. Sometimes I get angry very easy.
Basketball is my favorite sport.I could play it all day long, but sadly I also have to be in school and do my homeworks afterwards. Speaking of school:
Math is my favorite subject. I found out that resolving problems is really easy for me.
Christmas is my favorite holiday, because I find it very nice to be surrounded by your family and your loved ones. I also like receiving presents but most of all I love baking cookies with my mother and decorating the christmas tree with my sister.
My father is the one who puts all the gifts under the tree every year. During the christmas evening we eat a special dinner and listen to carols toghether.
I don’t consider myself a person of many talents but I’m good when it comes to music. I play the guitar and I also want to learn to play the piano in the near future. My guitar is an Epiphone Acustic that I bought 2 years ago. I consider it not only a great guitar but a friend!
When i was little I wanted to play in a band, but now I’m sure that math would suit me better as a career.
Din pacate e plina de greseli, timpurile sunt puse extrem de aiurea, plus de asta ai destule greseli de fond. Am sa incerc totusi sa iti corectez textul, imediat.
PS: Va rog nu mai postati raspunsuri de genul ''imi place, e buna'' atata vreme cat un text are peste 20 de greseli mari.Induceti rau de tot in eroare pe cel care chiar asteapta un raspuns RELEVANT si PERTINENT.
N-a fost asa greu. Am invatat-o de mic. Am citit destul de multe carti in engleza, m-am uitat de mic la filme, pe atunci de exemplu desenele animate nu erau dublate, ceea ce a reprezentat un plus. Recomand sa folosesti des si dicionarele, sa te obisnuiesti sa cauti mereu cand nu stii ceva.
Nu incurajez facutul temelor de catre altii pe acest site s-au oricare altul dar tu macar te-ai straduit sa iti faci tema si te-ai straduit cat ai putut. Ar trebui sa citesti mai mult in engleza, o sa te ajute mult, se vede ca ai inca destule carente. Nu trebuie sa uiti ca a cunoaste engleza bine e un plus extrem de mare de care vei avea nevoie pe viitor. Sper ca urmatoarea ta tema sa iasa mult mai bine. Acum uite varianta corectata si putin modificata (anumite cuvinte pe care le-ai scris nu prea se potriveau si nu aveau sens in acea forma data:
My name is Vivi and i'm fourteen.I live in...
What can I say about myself?
I like to hang out with my friends, outdoors mostly but I also like going to the movies with them.
I'm always smiling and I love life. Sometimes I get angry very easy.
Basketball is my favorite sport.I could play it all day long, but sadly I also have to be in school and do my homeworks afterwards. Speaking of school:
Math is my favorite subject. I found out that resolving problems is really easy for me.
Christmas is my favorite holiday, because I find it very nice to be surrounded by your family and your loved ones. I also like receiving presents but most of all I love baking cookies with my mother and decorating the christmas tree with my sister.
My father is the one who puts all the gifts under the tree every year. During the christmas evening we eat a special dinner and listen to carols toghether.
I don’t consider myself a person of many talents but I’m good when it comes to music. I play the guitar and I also want to learn to play the piano in the near future. My guitar is an Epiphone Acustic that I bought 2 years ago. I consider it not only a great guitar but a friend!
When i was little I wanted to play in a band, but now I’m sure that math would suit me better as a career.
Ai pus ''Christmastree'' legat..trebuie dezlegat[desi stiu ca asat nu e o greseala
, ca pe caiet o vei pune normal ]
1.La ''I could play it all day long'' se puna [I could play it all LONG DAY] daca pui cu day long se observa ca ai tradus pe internet
2.La ''I do not think than I have many talents,'' pune [I DON'T think THAT I have many talents]
3. La (an acustic guitar) pune.(an ACOUSTIC guitar)
Cam atat am vazut eu.Dar nu suntprofesoara deci SUCCES!
[Nu am avut timp so verific corect si TImpuri adica gen past simple, prezent continuous; simple...ect dar mi s epare Ok]
E foarte buna.mie una imi place.
Corect e all day long, nu all long day, e o expresie.
Ei bine Loser8299 or nu am fost atenta, eu chiar trebuie sa studiez mai drastic .
E un text cu peste 20 de greseli majore si tu spui super? Te rog sa nu mai postezi raspunsuri aberante, induci in eroare pe cel/cea care a pus intrebarea, acel/acea cineva care se bazeaza pe un raspuns PERTINENT si OBIECTIV.