Da, drăguţ, dar puneţi un URL ca lumea la hi5;)
Btw, daţi click şi o să fiţi logaţi pe hi5-ul don'şoarei, cel puţin la mine aşa s-a întâmplat, serios :|.
@doar.pentru.voi: Uite ce-mi zice: Oops! You've requested a page that doesn't exist. Please check the page which referred you, or click on the button below and return to the front page. Sorry for the inconvenience!
@crazZyKiddo: Uite ce-mi zice: Oops! You've requested a page that doesn't exist. Please check the page which referred you, or click on the button below and return to the front page. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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