Depinde ce fel de descrieri vrei,eu am versuri,asa ca o sa iti zic cateva din ale mele.
When you are drunk, you don`t have problems anymore.
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me feeling your kiss.
Nu-ti mai bate capul cu atatea probleme.
Sa ma joc in parul tau si sa iti vad zambetul pe fata.
Don`t run away love.
Spun tot ce-mi da prin cap.
Soulmates never die.
winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.
don`t you ever think about what we could have been?
Give me sugar and honey.
I see you shining, that make me blind.
I wont let this build up inside of me
Chipul tau mi-a dat fiori
Nu stiam cum sa-ti vorbesc
You rocked my world.
It's the way that I do
I'm in love with you
I was too hot for you.
It`s a new life for me, and i`m feeling good.
My neighbors stare at me - Never mind
My friends say that I'm crazy - I'm just fine
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