| Supradoza.De.Vise.Interzise a întrebat:

Vreau si eu niste mesaje/poezii cu temele : i miss you si i love you big grin plizz

Răspuns Câştigător
| DeMentaa a răspuns:

Te iubesc te doresc du-te dracu ca glumesc

11 răspunsuri:
| Bacemi a răspuns:

Without you I couldn't live

I could only fake I'm trying

i can't think that God I’d forgive

I could only live by crying

Life would only be a mince

Must be a way to fake reality

Knowing I can't be your prince

That would mean fatality

Love me now, love me forever

Let me live and let me teach you

Treason for me means just never

Let me stick up just like glue

I could never leave you whatever

Just say yes and let me love

Love me whenever and wherever

Let me be your only blue rose

| dulc3'maria a răspuns:

Don’t ask me why, don’t ask me since when…Don’t ask me till when…
My feelings don’t have a reason, don’t have a start or an end either…
How do I know? You see, because my days are serene even though it rains, because when I’m sad
make me smile, because when I see you, my heart beats really fast.
Do you still wonder why?
You could question the fact that the stars are fire, that the sun moves on the sky!
You could even think that the real truth is a lie!
But never doubt of my love…
How could I don’t love you, if around you I feel better, happyer, confident?
You are with me when I need you, you know what to say when I’m sorrow…
To give all, to sacrifice all without a hope of reward, this is love…and I give you my all….

| dulc3'maria a răspuns:

My voice is sad
on telephone
your voice has changed
like after storm
I heard it clear
since i was here
but now i am not
obviously near.
my love was young
urs too but not enough
my love was light
urs was just fine
my love was free
urs blocked and deep
my love was u
u; re love was me
and where; s she at?
where is my love
i searched a lot
into my me
i waste my time
i waste my life
probably it just deassapearedlove struck

| dulc3'maria a răspuns:

I miss you much, so much, my love,
That the thoughts of you are carved inside,
That I cant move and see the outer side
And as I breathe, and move I want…
I need you right in here, me by your side;
I miss you so that I believe
A God will bring you back to me
And we will live the miracle
As you love me, and I love you.

| dulc3'maria a răspuns:

How much do I love You?
As much as life and death exist on the earth,
As much as stars and galaxies make the space breath,
As much as infinite and deep and blue is the sky,
As much as time is timed,
As much as sun is bright,
As much as dark is night,
As much as you love me…
So much and more I love you…

| dulc3'maria a răspuns:

I only know of two things that are right

You loving me and me loving you

Let us be lovers at first sight

Don’t be a fake and free what's true

Loving me is what keeps me alive

You shouldn't start with a crime

So try to let me safely drive

In every thought, all the time

You know what is right for me

You can make my dreams fulfill

I want you to be my heart’s ignition key

Let the love be now and ever, not until

Loving you, it is my life

Nothing more and nothing less

Let there be forever no strife

Let us be, let us progress

You should know that I love you

And I will no matter what

I told you even you knew

To the past the gate is shut

Now I’m afraid about the future

Afraid you might not be there

I want you to be my suture

To be with me anywhere

How can I again be strong?

How to live, not stay behind

When every breathe of air is wrong

I keep staring even though I' m blind

Hoping to see an angel on earth

Hoping you to be the one

I want you in my rebirth

Life for us has just begun

I want you my angel to be

I want you in every moment

I want you in heaven with me

I want you in everything recent

Without you I couldn't live

I could only fake I'm trying

i can't think that God I’d forgive

I could only live by crying

Life would only be a mince

Must be a way to fake reality

Knowing I can't be your prince

That would mean fatality

Love me now, love me forever

Let me live and let me teach you

Treason for me means just never

Let me stick up just like glue

I could never leave you whatever

Just say yes and let me love

Love me whenever and wherever

Let me be your only blue rose

You shall see that I don’t fade

You shall see how much I care

Let me be always your shade

And you’ll see for sure what’s rare

Cause like me I know that’s nothing

I’m unique and just like you

Let me be for you the one

I know that like you are few

Let it happen, don’t resist

Let me love you, let me be

I will break for sure the mist

But without you I’m not me

I need you to make me see

I need you for me to know

That God has merci on me

I need you to say Hello!

When we speak I simply tremble

I am nervous and feel silly

All I want is to assamble

Everything about us to be really

I can’t forget, simply don’t want to

That each day I see you is brighter

And forever the sky will be blue

Remember I am a writer

I can make a perfect world

I can make the sun to shine

I can make your hair be curled

In my world everything is mine

Now I want my world to be yours

I want you to be happy truly

I want you to see my chores

I want you to see me fully

I want to be yours completely

I want you to be my luck

I want you to see me sweetly

You to see I’m not a schmuck

You can make my world a heaven

I can be an angel if you don’t taunt

You can make me forget a seven

I can be all that you want

Allow me to know you better

Let me see deep in your soul

You can be much more sweater

Just give back what you stole

You stole my heart, you stole all

Now I’m lonely, now I’m dying

If I can’t love I keep getting small

Till my last shout will be a crying

If you give me back my heart

I do promise that I’ll share

You can have it if you want

Just you ask me, not to swear

I would gladly give it longer

Because I know that with you

It will get much more stronger

I’ll get it back just brand new

As an ending what to say

I love you more than air

I love you more than they

Keep in mind: We are a pair!

| fluturas a răspuns:

Iubirea stelei

De ce nu crezi in iubirea mea?
Sunt prea departe de inima ta,
Caci tu esti Soarele, iar eu sunt o stea
E prea mica iubirea mea?

As putea noaptea in zi s-o transform,
Si in zi sa lucesc si in noapte sa dorm?
Daca cerul in picuri de m-ar transforma
Iubirea de Soare eu as urma.

O clipa de te-as privi
Eu stiu ca viata mi s-ar sfarsi
Caci cu razele-ti dulci tu m-ai sorbi
Caldura din inima-ti m-ar topi.

Decat o viata in lipsa ta
Mai bine o clipa sub privirea Ta

| fluturas a răspuns:

Mi-e dor de tine

Mi-e dor de noi

Mi-e dor sa fim iar amandoi,

Mi-e dor de tine

Mi-e dor de tot ce-a fost,

Mi-e dor sa ma iubesti

Dar stiu ca doar ma amagesc,

Mi-e dor de tine

Sa imi zambesti in noapte

Sa imi spui dulce soapte.

Mi-e dor de tine

Cu fiecare clipa

Ce trece peste mine

Imi este tot mai greu

Sa uit de tine.

Mi-e dor de tine

Mi-e dor sa te simt langa mine

Mi-e dor sa ma saruti

Mi-e dor sa nu ma uiti.

Mi-e dor de tine si as vrea

Sa fi aici sa-mi alini inima

Mi-e dor de tine si as vrea

Sa ma iubesti, iubirea mea.

Mi-e dor de tine

Mi-e dor de ochii tai

Mi-e dor de buza ta

Mi-e dor sa fiu a ta.

| fluturas a răspuns:

Cand treci printr-o perioada proasta, adu-ti aminte ca exista Cineva in cer care te iubeste si are grija de tine si cineva pe pamant caruia ii pasa de tine – eu sunt acela.

Intre noi exista un ocean. Padurile si muntii ne despart. Nu sunt superman, dar da-mi o secunda si voi zbura peste mari si tari pentru a-ti trimite dragostea mea. Ai primit-o?

Dragostea… Toata viata mea am auzit despre ea, am citit despre ea, am visat la ea, am plans dupa ea. Acum, langa tine, am gasit-o!

| fluturas a răspuns:

- As vrea acum sa ma trezesc cu un sarut, cu tine, sa sa-ti spun ca te iubesc, sa ma atingi pe mine, sa nu conteze vreun prieten ci numai tu si eu. Te iubesc!

- In fiecare zi lipsa ta pentru mine este un chin si nu-mi doresc decat sa te am din nou langa mine. Te rog intoarce-te si ramai cu mine, te iubesc!
Durerea ce o port, nu pot s-o mai suport, in lacrimi ma topesc in lacrimi ma trezesc.de ce oare TE IUBESC?

- Inima mea e ca un templu.intri, te rogi si daca meriti ramai! Tu niciodata nu ai intrat, nu te-ai rugat si totusi ai ramas

- Sunt departe de tine si-ti duc dorul. Clipele pana la revedere imi par nesfarsite si doar amintirile noastre imi mai inalta sufletul catre lumea fanteziei!

- Te voi iubi si atunci cand marile vor seca. Te voi iubi si atunci cand stancile se vor topi. Te voi iubi si atunci cand scurs nisipul vietii va fi!

- Daca tu crezi ca mi-e dor de tine mereu te inseli, mi-e dor doar atunci cand ma gandesc la tine, dar drace, ma gandesc la tine mereu.

- Mi-e dor de tine mereu. Ma gandesc la tine zi si noapte. Mi-e dor de tine acum si totdeauna.

- Astazi mi-a fost dor de tine. Ieri mi-a fost dor de tine. Nu te ingrijora pentru maine, o sa-mi fie dor de tine mereu.

- Nu ti-am trimis acest mesaj cu o ocazie speciala. Am vrut doar sa-ti smulg o clipa din viata ta. Mi-e dor de tine.

- Ma gandesc la timpul petrecut impreuna si la cat de mult mi-a placut sa fiu cu tine. Mi-e dor de tine.

- Am auzit pe cineva soptindu-ti numele, m-am intors sa vad cine este si atunci am realizat ca era inima mea ce imi spunea ca mi-e dor de tine.

- Daca vrei sa stii cat de mult mi-e dor de tine, incearca sa prinzi picaturile de ploaie. Cele pe care le prinzi reprezinta cat de dor iti este de mine iar cele pe care nu le-ai prins reprezinta cat de dor imi este mie de tine.

| Supradoza.De.Vise.Interzise explică:

Am uitat sa mentionez nu le vreau in engleza ca nu inteleg nimic laughing.