Demi lovato:
1.Remember December
2.Gift Of A Friend
3.So Far So Great
4.Stop The World
5.Got Dynamite
6. Every Time You Lie
7.Catch Me
8. Quiet
10. Everything You're Not
11. World Of Chances
12.U Got Nothin' On Me
13.Here We Go Again
14. Falling Over Me
15.Don't Forget
16.La La Land
17.Get Back
20.On the Line
21. Gonna Get Caught
22.Two Worlds Collide
23.The Middle
24. Until You're Mine
25.Believe in Me,myself and time and the same we go
29.this is me
30.can't back down
31.we rock
32.brand new day
33. Wouldn't Change A Thing
34.It's On
35. What We Came Here For
sper sa fie bune :X
Demi Lovato - La La Land
Demi Lovato - Remember December
Demi Lovato - Don't Forget
Demi Lovato 'Gift of a Friend'
Demi Lovato - Get Back
We The Kings ft. Demi Lovato: We'll Be A Dream
Demi Lovato - Here we go again
Demi Lovato - "What To Do"
Camp Rock 2 - Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas - Wouldn't Change A Thing
demi lovato believe in me
Catch Me-- Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato-Me, Myself & Time
Demi Lovato - "Got My Girls"
Demi Lovato And Selena Gomez -One And The Same
Doar astea le-am gasit.
Hey! uite 30 de melodii de-ale lui Demi Lovato... sper ca te-am ajutat
1)Here We Go Again
2)La La Land
3)Gift Of A Friend
4)Get Back
5)This Is Me
6)Me,Myself and Time
7)Falling Over Me
8)U Got Nothing On Me
9)Two Worlds Collide
10)Every Time You Lie
11)Believe In Me
12)Catch Me
16)Until You're Mine
17)World Of Chances
18)Stop The World
19)On The Line
20)Got My Girls
22)It's Not Too Late
23)Who Will I Be
24)Shut Up And Love Me
25)Remember December
26)Moves Me
27)One And The Same
28)Our Time Is Here
29)Don't Forget
30)Back Around
Pai uite...:
fix a heart ( melodia e the best)
give your heart a break
skyscraper (PERFECTA-melodia)
here we go again
two pieces
without the love
made in the USA
neon lights
heart attack
it's not too late (Camp Rock 2)
wouldn't change a thing (Camp Rock 2)
gift of a friend
let it go (Frozen)
get back
remember december
la la land
don't forget
catch me
this is me (Camp Rock 1)
me, myself and time
angels among us
different summers (Camp rock 2)
fire starter
got dynamite
heart by heart
in case
I hate you, don't leave me
never been hurt
shouldn't come back
something that we're not
who's that boy
two worlds collide
really don't care
send it on (-impreuna cu Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus si Jonas Brothers)
my love is like a star
what to do (Sonny with a chance)
make a wave (cu Joe Jonas)
you're my favourite song (tot cu joe)
sing my song for you (Sonny Munroe(Demi) cu Joe Jonas)
brand new day (Camp Rock2)
every time you lie
believe in me (for me this is a support song )
can't back down (Camp Rock 2)
shut up and love me
who will I be (Camp Rock 1)
one in the same (cu Selena Gomez)
all night long
hold up
u got nothin' on me
poti cauta si cover-uri cantate de ea-cum ar fi:
stay (by Rihanna)
how to love (by Lil Wayne)
turn up the music (by Chris Brown)
moves like jagger (by maroon 5 & christina aguilerra)
all I want for christmas is you (by Mariah Carey)
silent night(-)
(in total sunt vreo 60 de melodii.)
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