My best friend is ________. We met at 4 years old in a par(k).
Today we spend everyday together. In free time we go out, in city to drink something with another few friends or we go to cycle. He know to ride on skateboard. When he learn new tricks he show me first time and then show to another friends.
In another order of ideas, if someone of us are sad about something, each one try to make another one happy, and to pass over the problem.
In weekends, my family calls him family to go out, to walk in forest or to make a grill somewhere at limit of forest.
So, in simple words, we are the best friends forever and no one can broke our relationship.
Daca observi o greseala, corecteaza si tu
My best friend is...(numele lui). He is really good to me because, when we are standing alone, we are farting. We love the incredible smell and we do not care about what people say about us. We eat snails together and we smell our asses together. What can be more beautiful than this? We eat shits.
Nu sunt bune celelalte. Scrie tu asa ca restul au greseli:
I met... when I was 6 years old. We became best friends from the first day we've met. I knew him when I was trying to fly on the window with a parachute, wearing some underwear on my head. Since that day, my mind changed according to friendship.
... is a good person to me. We fart together and it smells beautifully. We kiss our asses and we don't care what people say about this thing. I like touching his nose, but when he is farting, I'm on my way. We go together to the toilet and we kiss our shits. We love having a wee
Sa continui, ca s-a trimis din greseala.
... We love having a wee in my room, but my mom is angry at me. I said it is natural, but she thinks it smells horrible. She is really crazy, to my mind. We like sharing clothes: one day I went to school wearing the sucks in my hands and, another day, my friend was like me. It is amazing to have a friend like.....numele prietenului.
We adore talking to homeless because they are our friends. We all eat from bins, but I don't mind.
I can say I have the best friend forever now and nobody can change this.
My best friend is the best person I ever meet in my life. I can trust him, I can talk everything to him, and that's making him such a special person for me.
(sper ca te-am ajutat. stiu ca e cam scurta, dar mai adauga si tu ceva, adica descrie-ti cel mai bun prieten, spune ceva despre infatisarea lui, depre par, ochi, ani, inaltime etc... ) Funda?
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