Tu numesti pe asta hacker? asta e un spammer obosit nu are nici cea mai mica treaba cu hecareala.
Te prinde cu mail ul asta si daca dai replay o sa iti zica ca are nevoie sa ii virezi nu stiu ce suma pentru a face el actele si apoi tu primesti milioanele de dolari. E o schema atat de cunoscuta
Ai dreptate am primit si reply de confirmare ce zici de asta?
Dear Friend,
Thanks for your response and ability to cooperate with me in this transaction business. However, my names are Mr. Mody Aziz Ada, from Republic of Burkina Faso in West Africa, I am the chief accountant Manager Ecobank Burkina Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, actually we do not know each other before but I contacted you in this business because the transaction required a foreigner.
As a matter of fact, i contacted you in this transaction business for the betterment of both of us, therefore, I will like you to understand that this transaction is not a child game play and you are expected to keep it as a top secret between both of us until the fund is transferred into your bank account, because i will not want my bank to know that i am the one who contacted you in this claim, however, the said fund belongs to our deceased foreign customer an investor from Iraq, who was a victim of a bomb blast in Baghdad on 08/ December 2009 and died along with his wife and only daughter, i need your maximum cooperation in this regards, to stand as a business associate of the deceased when he was alive, and also provide a valid bank account to my bank where this money will be transferred into.
l guarantee you 100% risk free in this transaction business, let me inform you that i have made all the necessary arrangement for the smooth transfer of this fund by my underground responsibilities in my bank here before contacting you, therefore, i want you to mark my word, with my office position we stand a brighter chance to claim this fund into any of your desire bank account that you will provide for this claim without having any obstacle, I know and optimistic that this transaction business is going to uplift our financial status, it is just for you to follow my guidelines to achieve this goal, therefore, i need your urgent response and assurance of trust to prove your integrity, kindly provide the following information below to help me know more about you before directing you on how to apply to my bank for the release and transfer of this fund legally to your bank account, your understanding of this details and accepting to cooperate with me is the starting point of achieving this goal. I hope to hear from you soon.
(1) Your Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential address:
(4) International passport copy or ID card:
(5) Age and Sex:
(6) Occupation:
(7) Country of origin:
Best regards,
Mr. Mody Aziz Ada.
Feel free to call me on my personal phone number +226 68688218.
Sfatul meu este sa nu deschizi niciodata spamul.Chiar daca iti da impresia ca iti sunt adresate tie.Le stergi direct.Iti pot virusa calculatorul.
Da da in emailul pe care l-am receptionat pentru confirmare
zice ca e din burkina faso deci sa inteleg ca acest hacker are mai multe identitati si se foloseste sub diverse nationalitati ca sa atraga victime. In primul rand trebuia sa spuna ca e din sua sau japonia. Nigeria si Burkina Faso sunt niste tari sarace, pai el se pacaleste singur la faza asta majoritatea se feresc de tari sarace si stiu ca pe acolo nu sunt prea multi bogatasi. Am sa ii zic ca sunt din somalia si mananc orez fiert cu mana si ca i-am furat smartfonul unui postats
Te rog nu ii mai zi hacker, asta nu e hacker, e un spammer obosit
1. Nu e un papagal, sint sute-mii de astfel de papagali care "dau la peste".
2. Povestile din SUA pot fi verificate online prin emailuri la autoritati mult mai usor decit cele cu tari bananiere. Gindeste si tu un pic!
3. Nu ii baga strimbe evidente. Zi-i ca vrei sa il ajuti dar nu ai cont si sa iti trimita el bani prin posta ca sa deschizi. Sau ceva de genul asta.
Ai dreptate, bine gandit
dar nu cred ca o sa procedeze asa.
Desigur ca nu o sa iti trimita bani, spilul e sa te imbirlige sa ii trimiti tu. Faza e ca daca te vede mai smecher se lasa.
Ingora-l. Daca il contactezi o sa te puna sa platesti o taxa ca sa iti primesti banii iar tu daca esti naiv si platesti o sa primesti o mare teapa.
E doar un pescar, tu esti pestele si mail-ul momeala.
Daca musti, pierzi, el trimite mii de mail-uri pe zi, tot pica ceva.
Da-i spam si delete.
Este o mare, mare păcăleală, menită să îți fure bani din contul tău bancar sau să îți viruseze calculatorul.
E direct genul de mail pe care il trimit acesti "hackeri" pentru a fura informatii importante
Am primit si un reply ce zici de asta?
Dear Friend,
Thanks for your response and ability to cooperate with me in this transaction business. However, my names are Mr. Mody Aziz Ada, from Republic of Burkina Faso in West Africa, I am the chief accountant Manager Ecobank Burkina Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, actually we do not know each other before but I contacted you in this business because the transaction required a foreigner.
As a matter of fact, i contacted you in this transaction business for the betterment of both of us, therefore, I will like you to understand that this transaction is not a child game play and you are expected to keep it as a top secret between both of us until the fund is transferred into your bank account, because i will not want my bank to know that i am the one who contacted you in this claim, however, the said fund belongs to our deceased foreign customer an investor from Iraq, who was a victim of a bomb blast in Baghdad on 08/ December 2009 and died along with his wife and only daughter, i need your maximum cooperation in this regards, to stand as a business associate of the deceased when he was alive, and also provide a valid bank account to my bank where this money will be transferred into.
l guarantee you 100% risk free in this transaction business, let me inform you that i have made all the necessary arrangement for the smooth transfer of this fund by my underground responsibilities in my bank here before contacting you, therefore, i want you to mark my word, with my office position we stand a brighter chance to claim this fund into any of your desire bank account that you will provide for this claim without having any obstacle, I know and optimistic that this transaction business is going to uplift our financial status, it is just for you to follow my guidelines to achieve this goal, therefore, i need your urgent response and assurance of trust to prove your integrity, kindly provide the following information below to help me know more about you before directing you on how to apply to my bank for the release and transfer of this fund legally to your bank account, your understanding of this details and accepting to cooperate with me is the starting point of achieving this goal. I hope to hear from you soon.
(1) Your Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential address:
(4) International passport copy or ID card:
(5) Age and Sex:
(6) Occupation:
(7) Country of origin:
Best regards,
Mr. Mody Aziz Ada.
Feel free to call me on my personal phone number +226 68688218.
Pai daca e vorba de o suma asa de mare de ce nu cere ajutorul unui prieteni si Ii cere unui strain? Tzeapa curata.