Nu exista limita de care zice colegul la depozit, 60.000 e suma pe care o poti trimite/plati intr-o singura tranzactie.
Poate nu cunoaste engleza elementara: What‘s the maximum amount I can SEND WITH my PayPal account?
Limite la depozit in Wallet exista, dar sunt determinate de zi, saptamana, luna, nu exista o suma maxima totala care e perrmisa:
There are daily, weekly, and monthly limits on the amounts you can transfer to your PayPal balance from your bank.
The limits to how much money you can add to your PayPal balance when using a debit card are:
Up to $5, 000 USD per day
Up to $10, 000 USD per week
Up to $20, 000 USD per month
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