Iti fac eu una acum!
Dear Sir / Madam,
I,...(numele tau) I am aware of the possibilities that interest your company offers.
Driven by strong desire to succeed and ambition, tenacity and optimism, subject to your attention my application to obtain the post of...(aici scrie locul de munca pentru care optezi).
Having a university education and experience gained in... (aici scrie scoala, scolile absolvite) are prepared for a fruitful partnership that you have available the benefits of my theory on the formation of a significant experience in... (aici scrie domeniul activitatii pentru care optezi) Documenting the activities of the company I am your satisfied, the profile and achievements fully meet my needs and aspirations.
That's why I let you appreciate my desire for affirmation, enthusiasm, tenacity, loyalty, and my passion for overall success (goals) are just some of the features that I will be honored to put them at the disposal of a young and dynamic team.
The opportunity for a discussion about how it could be used for the benefit of my knowledge and skills your company would be welcome.
(goals) ->atingerea obiectivelor sau poti folosii -> achievement objectives
Modele de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza (4 modele)
Acestea NU sunt pentru primul Job!
Iti fac eu una acum!
Dear Sir / Madam,
I,...(numele tau) I am aware of the possibilities that interest your company offers.
Driven by strong desire to succeed and ambition, tenacity and optimism, subject to your attention my application to obtain the post of...(aici scrie locul de munca pentru care optezi).
Having a university education and experience gained in... (aici scrie scoala, scolile absolvite) are prepared for a fruitful partnership that you have available the benefits of my theory on the formation of a significant experience in... (aici scrie domeniul activitatii pentru care optezi) Documenting the activities of the company I am your satisfied, the profile and achievements fully meet my needs and aspirations.
That's why I let you appreciate my desire for affirmation, enthusiasm, tenacity, loyalty, and my passion for overall success (goals) are just some of the features that I will be honored to put them at the disposal of a young and dynamic team.
The opportunity for a discussion about how it could be used for the benefit of my knowledge and skills your company would be welcome.
(goals) ->atingerea obiectivelor sau poti folosii -> achievement objectives
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