Nu poti, fiindca fiecare banca are destinat un anume tip de card si doar pe acela il folosesc.
Daca Revolut foloseste doar visa tu nu ai cum sa-l schimbi pe Mastercard, fiindca este imposibil. Dar te poti muta la alta banca care are tipul de card VISA.
In ce priveste subscriptia premium a Revolut-ului, uite aici:
"What is Revolut premium?
The Revolut Premium plan costs $9.99 per month and lets you enjoy the following perks:
Unlimited currency exchanges with no fees. ATM withdrawals up to $1, 200/month (or an equivalent amount in a foreign currency) without fees at 55, 000 in-network ATMs. 3 international transfers/month with no fees. Travel medical ".
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