- Hobo With a Shotgun
- Fright Night 3D
- The Rite
- Yellow Brick Road
- Tucker & Dale vs Evil
- Attack the Block
- The Divide
- Insidious
- I Saw The Devil
- The Troll Hunter
- Grave Encounters
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes
- Stake Land
- Yellowbrickroad
- Attack the Block
- The Thing
- The Woman
- Mother's Day
- The Dead
- Unknown
- Limitless
- Wrecked
- Hanna
- One For The Money
- The Debt
- Contagion
- Straw Dogs
- Drive
- Abduction
- The Double
- Anonymous
- Dream House
- Texas Killing Fields
- Trespass
- Miss Bala
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- 13
Top Horror din 2011:
Top Thriller din 2011:
Pai: Pirahna, Train, Caged, The Abandoned, Final Destination, Leconds Apart, The Grudge( Filmul care m-a speriat cel mai rau si crede-ma ca sunt greu de speriat. Filmul are 3 parti), Husk, Prowl, Mirrors ( 1 si 2), Sleepy Hollow, Devil, Chain Letter, The Rite, The Woman In Black, Drog Me To Hell( e locul 1 intre toate filmele de groaza
, The Omen( Asa l-am gasit cu omen nu women), Trick'n Treat,Halloween, Orphan,Alone, The Shining, El Orfanato, Rosemary's Baby, The Blair Witch Project, House Of Wax, Saw( Sunt 7 parti ), The Tortured. Stiu ca sunt mai mult de 10 dar ai zis ca vrei filme de groaza si astea sunt perfecte.
Vezi aici filme horror scarboase http://www.zfilmeonline.eu/search/label/horror