Cum adica ai inceput un transfer? Transferul nu se executa decat dupa ce dai ordin sa fie executat. Deci un transfer nefinalizat nu se executa.
NOTE: We Have Contacted your buyer about this and we have deduct an extra fee of (100+15 EURO) from the buyer account so that the transaction could be completed tomorrow.
As part of your booking process, we will ask you to declare what you are shipping and why
We already completed and processed all the customs paperworks for the buyer and seller to ship this item to it's destination.
When your shipment arrives at the home country, the carrier will arrange the customs clearance which we have done and the home
country customs have accepted our declaration as regards this shipping.
These charges will as a norm be billed to the buyer and it attracts a further ₹115euro as directives given to us by the home country.
your item is ready to go on shipping and would be picked up at 17.00 local time on the day given to you at your address and shipped out
to it's destination via Express Air Freight with registration number A014720 due to the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic.
we hereby encourage you to make a final deposit of₹115 euro by the end of today as part of the customs regulations that cannot be
avoided and that all international courier have to comply with. this Ensures that it prevents the item coming to a new country to be
classed as illegal or prohibited upon arrival.we have reached out to the buyer and he also made an additional payment of ₹115 euro to your account.
your total payment of ₹225euro to your account. Your total payment now is₹225 euro which our group of accountants have completed the payment process for the money to be in your account.
fund can be released into your account for cash withdrawal and the sum of [ ₹225, EURO ] is going to be reflected immediately 10 minute after we receive the payment receipt...
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