Aş începe cu siguranţă un magazin cu chestii anime.
Îţi zic eu că ăsta ar fi biletul câştigător.
Sunt mulţi otaku în românia care ar da orice pentru un magazin de gen în România, deci ar avea cine să vină.
Numai bine!
Insfarsit cineva cu un raspuns bun.
Apuca-te de furat si dupa vinzi ce ai achizitionat. glumesc, poti sa-ti deschizi un bar undeva unde nu sunt baruri, asta daca ai bani.
Succes prietene o sa ai nevoie!
Pai amice eu stiu sa scriu romaneste, dar tu mai ai de invatat.
Eu scriu in turca, daca nu intelegi nu mai lasa raspunsuri off topic omule.
Da, o idee buna pentru un analfabet.
Prietene taci odata ca esti penibil ce om prost. Cat ai umblat cu oiile sa ai net?
Nu mersii prietene, e afacerea ta. Sper sa nu dai faliment poate ramaneti fara hartie.
O librărie unde oamenii pot să bea ceai și să citească sau să asculte tot ce vor. Toate cărțile le-aș dona.
Agentie de pariuri, da sa ai toate sporturile si aparate, sau agricultura (daca te pricepi) o sera de legume si fructe plus un hecatr doua de cartofi, porumb, grau.Da e de munca mult de tot la agricultura si trebuie sa stii exact ce faci ca sa nu ramai cu marfa pe stoc sau sa nu se mai faca.Bafta!
investing who
Non-risk investment plans are not common now and every one seems to be interested in the subject to make more money in no time or in very less time as compared to other ways and modes of making money on the basis of investment in fund like securities available in the market. People want to have a trustworthy source of return on their invested money in terms of high gain at absolutely no risk or very low risk scenario in the form of fund in which the money needs to be invested for a certain period of time. The idea behind the non-risk investment plans is to attract more people to deposit their money for some time and gain interest or a percentage of profit in the form of return on the money spent on buying the fund or the scheme that is getting popular in the market. Hence, the people do not follow their instincts or do not go blindly to invest in the program available in the market, but, they completely check and understand the key points listed in the terms and conditions of the investment opportunity or scheme before making any decision to deposit their money for an year or so in terms of time that the scheme requires to be fruitful for the client or to get matured to provide benefits in terms of result as money multiplied to a certain number of times as promised. Hence, before making any decision about taking a policy or entertaining a fund, please be advised that it can be profitable and be non profitable as well as its profit bearing capacity depends on the market conditions also. investing
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