Acest site "" este 100 % scam, adica o mare capcana/ pacaleala/ inselaciune pentru fraierii care-s disperati, sa castige bani multi si usor!
Dovada este dedesubt!
Citeste investigatia despre el:
Motivul este ca ei sa-ti colecteze adte personale si sa le foloseasca in scopuri ilegale!
"Are They a Harvesting Site?
YES!; All emails, name, phone numbers and anything they can get out of you of that nature are sold onto scammers online for a personal profit. Their websites are known for downloading software that will look for passwords for just about anything useful. Facebook password, for instance, could allow a scammer to view your page and see what other details they can get. For e.g. you date of birth, along with your full legit name, is useful for ID fraud. God help you if they get your Banking Password!
They can surf through your social media accounts to engineer a whole new ID for themselves to commit all many of fraud in your name. Here is an article from Wikipedia that further elaborates on such things called Internet Fraud and will open in a new tab.
Their True Purpose?
Obviously, it is to financially scam as many people as possible with their details as well. Both ways to earn from their victims. However, for every ad their members watch, the owners do receive some commissions. They are small but ad up because they have 1000’s of sites packed with members all watching ads and all those monies is not shared out to the members. SO! This is why they encourage their existing participants to make as many referrals as possible as insinuated through 50% commissions on their work efforts. Free Traffic as driven by their Members to Scam is What they are all about!"
un sfat:
Nu mai puneti botul pe orice promite bani fara munca, ca toate au ceva ascuns care mai devreme sau mai tarziu, te vor afecta!
Nimeni pe lumea asta, nu da nimic pe gratis!
Astea sunt vrajeli. Nu iti da nimeni bani asa degeaba. Doar ii ajuti pe ei cu reclamele si primesti 1 dolar pe luna ). Mergi la munca daca vrei sa faci bani. E cea mai buna metoda.
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