Dear...i want to invite you at my home to spend your christmas.ask your parents and then you can come write my a letter! i know it will be the best christmas with you ever!
with frindly yor friend...
Scrie o scrisoare prietenului tau stilou, invitandu-l sa-si petreaca vacanta de Craciun in casa ta.
It's children's favorite holiday : Christmas. I decided to spend this with one of my best friend, you, my pen. You always help me with homeworks, underlines and another things, so i want you to take a break. We will make pancakes, wacth TV, sing carols, dance till the morning and all the things you like. Surely, we won't write or draw and you won't be forced to sharpening. You can invite your friends too. It must be funny. Maria and Jemy have to spend it with us too. I hope you like it!
Your best user, (numele tau)
Am facut-o din capul meu, sper sa iti placa. Bafta :*
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