In engleza :From the clear sky, a divine chorus
Lin can be heard singing... {bis}
Pasta with grace heights appear
White lambs but leading... {bis}
A star in zari, watching trails,
For burning away... {bis}
Lead magi, bearing gifts dear
The resulting white saddlebags... {bis}
And a frail child, his face bland,
Sta smiling, in silence... {bis}
Mother And it rocked
And all enjoy... {bis}
And holy heaven and earth-
Was lit by Child... {bis}
And they were sanctified and glorified
Those who received him... {bis}
And we are seeing worship
And chipu kiss... {bis}
Longingly of his we want to be
And glorify Him for ever... {bis}
From the clear sky, a divine chorus
Lin can be heard singing... {BIS} si tot in engleza: O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
With all the green fir.
You are faithful tree,
What leaf did not lose it,
O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
With all the green fir.
O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
I love your green.
When you see her again I'm glad
And it makes me cheerful.
O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
I love your green.
O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
Leaved unchanged.
Petting me and make me cheerful
And I-ntaresti soon.
O, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree,
Leaved unchanged. in belgiana nu stiu si nu am gasit....nici nu este doar in belgia se vb engleza(majoritatea) funda/?
Dragă, dacă găseam pe Youtube nu intram aici!
Englezesti frumoase sunt Deck the Halls, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Let it Snow, I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, Holy Night.
Si belgiene nu stiu decat Mon beau sapin!
Mon beau sapin e in franceza.
Deck the Halls, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Let it Snow, I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Jingle Bells
We wish you a merry Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas
Silent Night
Belgiene nu stiu...
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