Obicei extrem de prost sa-l intinzi cu placa, fiindca il arde si in curand vei avaea parul uscat, ars si va arata ca o matura, rapundu-se si cazand.
Iti recomand sa renunti definitiv la placa de intins ca nu-i nimic bun sau sanatos cu ea, de aceea in occident NU se mai folosesc pentru ca arde parul iremediabil.
Ia de citeste sau traduce:
"Does straightening iron damage hair?
The clamping and pulling action of flat ironing strips away cuticles, permanently damaging the strands. The heat can also damage your scalp, causing it to dry out and flake."
"Can your hair recover from straightening?
As we've noted, damaged hair repair isn't possible because the protein bonds and cuticles have been permanently altered. Instead, the focus should be on maintaining hair to prevent further damage. If your hair is severely damaged, the most extreme solution is to cut it off and start fresh."
"Is it okay to iron your hair everyday?
Using heat on your hair every day is a big no no. It's okay to use a flat iron a few times a week if need be, but there are techniques that you can use to maintain your style without having to touch it up every day. If your hair is curled, set it in pin curls at night to hold the style while you sleep."
Daca parul e carleontat/ondulat din nastetere nu prea ai ce face! Eu zic sa lasi asa.
Fixtivul ar o solutie.Dar strica parul.La fel si placa.In niciun caz nu este recomandat zilnic.
Daca tii neaparat sa folosesti placa doar la evenimente.Dar cu timpul e bine sa e renunti. Parul ars se repara foarte greu.
Asta e efectul parului intins cu placa. Sta intins doar pana cand da de umezeala.
Eu il dau cu ulei de par pentru a sta mai intins. Nu e la fel de drept ca atunci cand il dau cu placa dar ii mai ia din volum si tine destul de mult.
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