Isi face coc deasupra...
Nu stiu, e ultimul lucru la care m-as fi gandit in viata asta.
Cred ca depinde de cat de lung e. Cu cat e mai lung cu atat s-ar putea contorsiona in pozitii de somn si i s-ar slabi radacina, daca l-ai tine desprins. Daca-l prinzi, probabil ca trebuie sa-l prinzi intr-o "prinsoare" mai lejera, nu sa stea tensionat.
N-am de unde sa stiu, n-am avut plete, doar presupun.
Deci, cica trebuie sa-l prinzi cumva...
The best way to protect long hair while you sleep is to gently secure it. Sleeping with free-flowing tresses may sound picturesque, but the reality is that you’re likely going to wake up with a sweaty, tangled mess if you don’t find a way to secure your hair overnight.
The secret is not to pull your hair so tightly against your head that it puts pressure on the scalp while you sleep. Your hair should be secure enough that it can’t snarl or tangle, but not styled in a way that encourages friction or breakage.
Good options for wearing your hair to bed include:
- a loose, functional top knot piled at the crown of your head and secured with a fabric scrunchie
- one or more loose braids at the nape of your neck
- hair wrapped in a headscarf or turban
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