2 euro de fir, dar daca te duci cu gaurile gata facute e mai ieftin.
3000 de euro a dat Mihai.
Uita-te aici, e clinica unde a facut operatia... au consilier online, pe mine m-a si intrebat o doamna cu ce ma poate ajuta! :)
Ce teapa mi-am luat, am crezut ca-i un boot
M. KutluHello, would you like to talk about our products?
Sir/Madam: Can i sell my own hair?
M. Kutlusell: your own hair?
what do you mean?
if you mean to say give your hair for another person its impossible to give another person
Sir/Madam: yeah, sorry, i have alot on my chest and...u know.
Ce simt al afacerii pe capul tau!
La costat 12.000 de euro, i au fost scoase 12.000 de fire, operatia a durat 12h, si 100 de injectii. Funda?