Din pacate de celulita nu poti scapa, cate produse cosmetice, sport faci, tratamente, alimente, ea inca este prezenta chiar daca e mai putin vizibila sau mai mult. Fara celulita nu pot merge la plaja? Sau crezi ca baietii nu te vor place?
Toate raspunsurile pe care le dau sunt din proprie experienta, nu dupa ureche, asta e pentru cel care mi-a dat votul stupid. Nu stiam, nu mai iti dadeam un raspuns. Vei vedea pe parcursul vietii tale, cand te vei maturiza, vei vedea oricate incercari de a scapa de celulita vor fi fara succes.
Poti in fiecare seara sa iti faci masaj cu ulei de masline. Este foarte bun. Incerca sa mai faci si cateva exerciti: genoflexiuni, sa mergi cu rolele/bicicleta sau sa alergi. Stai linistita o sa vezi ca daca iti faci masaj regulat si elimini cat de cat prajelile si dulciurile(asta nu inseamna sa te infometezi ci sa mananci cu o anumita limita) din alimentatia ta zilnica o sa scapi de celulita, poate nu de tot dar sigur o sa poti sa te duci la strand fara sa.ti mai fie rusine.
Fi optimista! Mult succes!
Uita'te la o intrebare de ale mele legata de creme anticelulita, acolo gasesti raspuns.
si fa cat mai mult sport, mergi pe role, bicicleta, bea 2l apa pe zi, elimina junk food, grasimile, sucurile acidulate, mananca dulciuri cu masura, de preferat ciocolata amaruie.te'am pupat!
In primul rand nu mai manca ca o scr.afa.In al doilea rand,nu mai sta ca pr...ta,pune-te si fa miscare nu sta cu c.u pe scaun toata ziua, si vei vedea ca celulita va disparea ca prin farmec. Sper ca ti-am fost de folos, macar un pic.Acum,funda,te rog.
De ce sa iti fie rusine? eu nu inteleg draga mea nu te simti complexata din cauza celulitei, daca e sa se uite cineva la tine se uita si cu celulita si fara! cine te iubeste te iubeste asa cum esti! capu sus Baby
Si eu am avut problema aceasta Manacam aproape orice...(in afara de:paine,cipsuri, dulciuri in general, carofi prajiti si tot ce consta in prajeala) si facem foarte mult sport, in loc sa mananci o punga de cipsuri mananca mai bine un mar.Eu am renuntat definitiv la dulciuri si prajeli si sunt mandra de asta, incearca si tu, nu va da gresi:X
Eu am cautat pe net si am gasit asta
Dear Friend,
If you are embarrassed by having to hide your cellulite and not being able to wear shorts or your favorite swimsuit, I have some very good news for you that could make this the most important letter you’ll ever read. The time to banish cellulite from your skin is NOW and I’ll tell you why in a minute.
First I want to take a minute to tell you about my story.
I first noticed the initial signs of cellulite on my legs when I was in my late twenties. I was mortified but thought that if I just ate well and kept exercising that it would go away on it’s own.
I was wrong. It got worse.
So bad, in fact, that I went for over 3 years without wearing a swimsuit or even a pair of shorts. I was embarrassed by the nasty, dimpled appearance of my skin and longed for the days of having radiant, tight skin that I was proud to show off.
I tried many different medical treatments and over-the-counter medications.
I tried everything from creams and lotions to body wraps and even injections. Although some things did help a little bit, it always seemed like it ended up coming back.
It seemed like my cellulite was only getting
I knew that there had to be a more effective way to bring back that youthful glow to my skin that wouldn’t cost me a fortune so I approached a practitioner of natural medicine that a close friend recommended with high hopes.
I’ve always been a bit skeptical about any "natural" remedies out there on the market but I was desperate to be able to wear shorts on a hot day or wear my swimsuit at the beach so I thought "what the heck?"
When she first told me about her all-natural solution to getting rid of cellulite, I almost fell off my chair.
Let’s just say my skepticism didn’t exactly go away. I thought it was utter nonsense.
But then I tried what she suggested and…
My skin started to return to it’s normal, healthy texture within DAYS…
At first I thought it was a complete coincidence but when I stopped using this all-natural cellulite solution, sure enough my skin started to return to it’s old, hideous dimpled state.
It was then that I knew I’d found the secret to banishing my cellulite for good.
My name is Donna Bower and after years of suffering with cellulite, I’ve found an all-natural solution that literally works like magic to return your skin to it’s natural, youthful state.