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regasim acest informatii (in engleza) aici :
"Does Zinc alloy jewelry rust?
Zinc alloy is a very common and popular material for jewelry components due to its versatility and low cost. … Like most metals, zinc alloy can tarnish and discolor. Depending on a variety of factors (metal content, finish, exposure to certain conditions), this can happen very quickly, or take several months.
Does Zinc rust?
Zinc does rust. Like all metals, zinc corrodes when exposed to air and moisture. However, this element does not rust like most other metals. Iron, for example, reacts with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form hydrated iron (III) oxide on the surface of the metal."
Buna.In general orice bijuterie este expusa la oxidare, in afara de cele din aur si argint.
Banuiesc ca ai vrut sa spui ca e aliaj de zinc si e placat cu argint sau aur sau ceva metal pretios. Adica e o tinichea care o sa oxideze dupa cateva purtari, mai ales acum ca e vara si la contact cu pielea transpirata se nenoroceste tot stratul ala.
Cel mai folosit truc folosit ca bijuteriile de genul sa tina mai mult e sa le dai cu lac de unghii
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