It's twelve of September. This year I started the sixth grade and I moved to a new school. I met mai class teacher and mai classmates, and they seemed very nice. I'm glad I'm in such a beautiful class near a lot of friends.
Ai grija, celelalte traduceri sunt ori luate de pe net, ori contin greseli gramaticale
It's twelve september. This year i'm in the sixth grade and i moved in a new school. I met mai classmaster and mai new classmates. They seem to me very nice. I'm happy that I'm in a class so beautiful, near a lot of friends.
12 septembrie.Anul it is I passed grade 5 and I was moved to a school noua.Am got acquainted with mai head teacher and classmates, I have looked nice! I'm glad it is in a class so beautiful!
Ce am scos de la traducere
12 septembrie.anul it is I went to grade V |-A and I moved to a school got acquainted with mai head teacher and classmates, I was glad that they seemed very in a class with so many beautiful friends.
12 september This year it is I went to grade V |-A and I moved to new school.I got acquainted with mai head teacher and classmates, I was glad that they seemed very nice.I am happy in a class with so many beautiful friends. FUNDA?
I's 12 twelve september. This year I'm in the six'th grade and I have moved to a new school. I have met mai teacher and mai new classmates; they all seemed very nice to me. I'm glad that I'm in a class so beautifull near so many friends.
e varianta corecta :d (fundita? )
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