horror:Fair Haired Child,A Nightmare on Elm Street,The Grudge,Cannibal Holocaust, Case 39, Silent Hill, The ring,
comedie:Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, 17 Again,Date Night, Home Alone, Hot Tub Time Machine
Intra pe onlinemocca.com sau pe cinemaxx.com si alegi acolo categoria si iti da lista cu filme
Nu e horror dar aduce putin. Enemie at the gates. Dupa parerea mea cel mai genial film despre al doilea razboi mondial.Sau The Shawshank Redemption.
Uite filmele mele de colectie :
Schindlers List, La vita e bella ( life is beautiful ), The king’s speech, Slumdog Millionaire, Good Will Hunting, Forrest Gump, The Last Samurai, 127 hours, Blood diamond, The sunset limited, Peaceful warrior, A beautiful mind, Rainman, The green mile, Sleepers, Gladiator, 300, The Shawshank Redemption, Invinctus, Brothers ( 2009 ), Rocky, Into the wild, Binecuvantata fii inchisoare, Carandiru, Freedom Writers, The Pianist, Bloodsport, Batman begins, The Dark Knight
Comedie : The hangover 2, Bad Teacher
Horror : Insidious
Sunt bestiale filmele. Merita vazute (funda)
The Grudge 1, 2
Wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Drag me to hell
Friday the 13th
Silent Hill
Acuzat pe nedrept
Spionul dandana
Uita-te la Dracula Untold. E un film din 2014 foarte smecher! http://filmenoi2015.biz/......subtitrat/ daca vrei sa il vezi.
Mda... Nu e film dar e site cu lecturi i crede-ma, am gasit cele mai tari lecturi horror forever( toate erau in romana ) se numea wattpad si lecturile mele prefereate sunt mort sau viu de world impare si jeff the killer prima aparitie ti-l recomand :-);-)