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My favorite toy is the mobile phone. Although not a toy in the true sense of the word, my phone, the iPhone 4 can be classified as toys. Even if you use it to make phone calls or listen to music (iPod), the more I use it to play. Every day, whenever I get the chance, play one game on my phone. Often I play so much phone battery takes one day. Most of all I like to play "Fashion Story," "FarmVille" and "Fruit Ninja". These are three new games of last generation, and for me is the best way to spend my free time.
The phone was a gift for my birthday and since I got the thing that does not break up wherever I go. However, I can say that since I have not had moments when I get bored. Always find a game to my attention so that the most boring moments can turn them into beautiful moments. Here are some reasons why my iPhone is my favorite toy.
The best gift I've received so far is a remote control helicopter. It's small, weighs very little, but is agile and can easily be controlled with the remote. Thus it can be used in confined spaces such as inside the apartment where I live.
If at first I found it hard to control and it seemed impossible not to hit the walls, now I have become an expert in the manual. Even if I had remote control toys, this aircraft completely conquered me. From morning until evening, when time allows me, I and my helicopter do real raids the apartment. I imagined a series of activities increasingly heavier this toy, such as fixed-point landing, lifting light objects and their traveling short distances or fly in difficult conditions - the wind produced by the fan full room. The next weekend I decided to drive out and see how high you can fly. Another curiosity that I have about this helicopter is if you manage to control the rain.
Needless to say it became my favorite toy. I have almost no eye for the other toys that they hold. My best friends, Basil and John saw it and appreciated it. I convinced them to buy. When they do, we go out and we will ascend to heaven appliances. I have chosen as our group name will be called helicopter "fearless squadron."
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