While not giving too much away, Sword Art Online Season 3 has Kirito in a new virtual world called Underworld. The focus is on Project Alicization, a Japanese government project run by a mysterious company called Rath. Much like Sinon was the focus of the Phantom Bullet, the main new character for Underworld is Alice and Eugeo.
Asta e tot ce am gasit despre personaje. In romana cu gasesti nimic sigur dar daca vrei iti traduc ce e scris mai sus.
Sezonul 3 va aparea ori la sfarsitul lui 2015 fie la inceputul lui 2016. Mai vrei sa stii si altceva? Ca sa stiu ce sa iti mai spun, nu ca sa vorbesc aici ca o moara stricata.
Care vor fi personajele principale, care vor fi cele secumdare
While not giving too much away, Sword Art Online Season 3 has Kirito in a new virtual world called Underworld. The focus is on Project Alicization, a Japanese government project run by a mysterious company called Rath. Much like Sinon was the focus of the Phantom Bullet, the main new character for Underworld is Alice and Eugeo.
Asta e tot ce am gasit despre personaje. In romana cu gasesti nimic sigur dar daca vrei iti traduc ce e scris mai sus.