Music gave me love, help me find, the sun, you should, always come around. Asta scrie pe bluza mea!
Be smart, be clever.put me in your heart forever
"Romeo Romeo where are you Romeo?"
The incredible Hulk came to tea
Robin was with him too
Batman stayed at home that night
Because his bat had flu.
They singed my autograph book
But i dropped it in the fire
Now whenever I tell my friends
They say i'm a terible liar
But incredible people do call around
(specially when I'm alone)
and if they don't and I get bored
I call them on the phone.(din cartea me de engleza)
Take the pieces and trow them away, don't vorry it doesn't metter that the pieces you are trowing are parts of my heart, you already broke it, you left me here, and now i'm like the glass, fragile and cold, i wish i've never had meet you" sunt niste versuri frumoase dintr-o compunere a unei prietene.mie mi se par frumoase, sper sati placa:*