"We don't remember the days...we remember the moments"
"You should not use poetry, art or music to get into girls' pants - use it to get into their heads."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming or I'd have cleaned up a little more. My life I mean, not the apartment."
"I'm terrified of being left behind. So sometimes I leave first."
"Most times I don't even care. My week beats your year."
"Fiecare dintre noi e problema celuilalt"-T.Arghezi
"Never leave a person who touches your soul more than your body"
"Incerc sa ajut alte persoane pentru ca nu stiu cum sa ma ajut pe mine"
"Nu stiu unde duce drumul meu,dar merg mai bine cand te tin de mana"-Alfred de Musset
"If you kiss her mind,her body will follow"
"Daca iti ascunzi sentimentele, le traiesti degeaba"
"De ce sa fii rau cu cineva cand poti fii foarte dragut intr-un mod ironic"
"Some of the best things in life are mistakes"
"I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become. "
" Iubirea e ca o arsură pe dinăuntru, o rană neobosită."
"Oamenii se despart, dar nu se uita"
"They'll either want to kill you, kiss you or be you"
"i am covered
in the
of you."
"Behind every succesussful women is herself"
"Cel mai mare las este acel barbat care trezeste sentimente de iubire intr-o femeie pe care nu are nici cea mai mica intentie sa o iubeasca."
"Pe femeia care se iubeste o vor iubii toti barbatii."
"Oameni buni sufer cel mai des, pentru ca nu stiu sa fie indiferenti"
"A-ti dori sa fii altcineva inseamna sa irosesti persoana care esti."
"Nu am nevoie de nimeni care nu are nevoie de mine. "
"Orgoliul meu face ravagii"
"it's all lies, darling"
"Stop trying so hard for people who don't care"
"Do I turn left where nothing is right? Or do I turn right where nothing is left?"
"We lose ourselves in the people we love. We find ourselves there too."
"The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for."
"Fugi ca un nebun dupa persoana pe care o iubesti, iar atunci cind o ai alaturi vezi ca nu a meritat efortul, timpul si dragostea ta."
"Tu nu vezi că te contrazici când e să compari ce faci cu ce zici?"
"Iubim de fapt ceea ce ne lipseste"
— Octavian Paler
" Dacă totul ar fi așa cum îți dorești nu ai mai avea pentru ce să lupți, să speri și să iubesti!…"
"Lumea să schimbă, dar nu uită."
"The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you."
"One day she’s going to get over you and on that day, you’re going to realize you love her."
"I always find myself caught between saying too much and not saying enough"
"If I’m not with somebody who really excites or inspires me, then I’d rather be by myself."
"If you want to make someone cry, make them think of every person who hurt them. If you want to destroy someone, make them think of every person who they have hurt."
— Iain S. Thomas, I Wrote This For You
"Eventually one of two things will happen: he'll realize you're worth it or you'll realize that he isn't."
"Sometimes reality is the hardest thing to understand and the thing that takes the longest to realize."
"Sometimes reality is the hardest thing to understand and the thing that takes the longest to realize."
"If I love you more, will you suffer less?"
— Elie Wiesel quotes his five-year-old grandson at Boston University lecture series
"And I’m not
going to say
I forget;
Because I remember every day. Every day."
— Hope Sandoval And The Warm Inventions, from Blanchard
"Do your thing and don’t care if they like it."
— Tina Fey (Bossypants)
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