| alexa_1346 a întrebat:

am nevoie de ajutor..doresc sa imi spune-ti si mie niste statusuri elegante, simple! cele mai frumoase primesc funda si vot!:*multumesc frumos!happy

3 răspunsuri:
| Dilemaa a răspuns:

"Cu fiecare 60 de secunde de suparare pierzi un minut din viata de bucurie "
"Be the One not anyone "

| NewName3000 a răspuns:

Statusurile in engleza sunt cele mai apreciate:
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful...she is beautiful because you love her

A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them

Please, God, make everyone die!

If a big fat man creeps into your bedroom one night and stuff's you into a bag, Then don't worry 'cause I told Santa I want you for Christmas.

Smiling faces show no signs of the evil that lurks therein

The slower you move, the faster you die. Confusius say: Man who eat jelly beans fart in technicolor

2. Todays another day time for new beginnings, yesterday I said mean
things, but you know I didn’t mean it. It’s like running out on someone
you love even though you still love them, all I needed was time to
think, and realize how lucky I am. So when I said don’t talk to me and
slammed the door in your face, what I meant to say was I love you and
my door is always open, life wouldn’t be the same without you by me
every step of the way.

3. Im not addicted…I’m just affraid of that voice that says ‘goodbye’

4. My two biggest problems are addiction to the internet and
procrastination. I’m away from the Internet now…I’ll work on
procrastination later.

5. I hate it when someone asks me ‘If everyone else jumped off a
bridge, would you do it too?’ So, I’m on my way to go jump off a bridge
because I wanted to be a trend setter and jump off the bridge first. I
won’t be jumping just because everyone else did! A smile doesn’t cost anything

I was born intelligent but school destroyed me

We have to look for the facts, not words

Don’t be sad, don’t be blue. Frankenstein was ugly too

He who laughs last, laughs best! But he who laughs first, sees the point

To be or not to be, this is the question

A bad workman always blames his tools

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind

A friend in need it’s a frienf indeed

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

A smile doesn’t cost anything

Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you los

I see angles in the sky, I’ve seen snow falling in July, I’ve seen things you can only imagine to see or do, but I haven’t seen anything sweeter than you.

1. Confusius say: Man who eat jelly beans fart in technicolor
2. Todays another day time for new beginnings, yesterday I said mean things, but you know I didn’t mean it. It’s like running out on someone you love even though you still love them, all I needed was time to think, and realize how lucky I am. So when I said don’t talk to me and slammed the door in your face, what I meant to say was I love you and my door is always open, life wouldn’t be the same without you by me every step of the way
3. Im not addicted…I’m just affraid of that voice that says ‘goodbye’
4. My two biggest problems are addiction to the internet and procrastination. I’m away from the Internet now…I’ll work on procrastination later
5. I hate it when someone asks me ‘If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?’ So, I’m on my way to go jump off a bridge because I wanted to be a trend setter and jump off the bridge first. I won’t be jumping just because everyone else did!
6. Notice how you and me are always online at the same time? You must be addicted.
7. If you got this message, I pulled myself off the computer in order to take a brief break. I really doubt that I’ll be gone long, and if I am, I am most definatly going through withdrawl, so please, stay, talk, I will return within seconds
8. Cute enough to make you look twice, Sweet enough but not too nice, A lil crazy but not too wild, The kinda girl that’ll make you smile
9. God made mud, God made dirt, God made boys so girls can flirt
10. If your name was sleep, I would be doing you in bed right nowI can’t be with you So all I will do is sleep. Please don’t wake me up from this dream For it’s all of you that I can keep
11. As I lay in my bed looking at the sky I thought ‘Were the heck did my ceiling go?
12. This is a sad and funny away message. The sad thing is you’re IMing me expecting me to read your message and return. The funny thing is that I’m at my computer desk laughing the whole thing up right now.
13. If you sleep with a girl without protection, you’re having sex with everyone your partner had sex with before. So if your girlfriend slept with a guy, who slept with your ex g/f, who you slept with, technically you could be screwing yourself.
14. I am off in that wonderful land where I can have anything i want! When i wake up i’ll have to face reality for the next 12 hours so! Leave me alone!
15. Looking in the mirror Here’s what I see A sad little girl staring back at me She acts so tough And so grown up But that’s not who she really is And it’s not who she wants to be I know this because that little girl is Me
16. Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life worthwhile so when you are lonely remember it’s true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.
17. You know what pisses me off? People who point at the wrist when asking the time, i know where my watch is buddy where they *** is yours? I mean do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?
18. I ran into my ex the other day, then I put the car in reverse and ran over him again
19. The sky was dark, The moon was high, We were alone, just her and I, Her hair was brown, her eyes were too I knew just what she wanted to do, So with my courage I did my best, I placed my handupon her breast, I trembled and shook and felt her heart, Slowly she spread her leags apart, I knew she was ready, But I didnt know how, It was my first try, At milking a cow.

| alexa_1346 explică:

Da in romana as dori big grin