Angel si diavolul
Virgin soul
Virgin Mystery
Virgin Change
Aripi de ceara
The one night stand
27 de zile in coma
Firul Ariadnei...
Unele dintre astea nu sunt finalizate dar se actualizează destul de des. Dar sunt bestiale spor la citit!
De le mine. Distreaza-te.
Wolf: "Lamb, tell me a story."
Lamb: "There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely."
Wolf: "Why was it lonely?"
Lamb: "All things must meet this man, so they shunned him."
Wolf: "Did he chase them all?"
Lamb: "He took an axe and split himself in two right down the middle."
Wolf: "So he would always have a friend?"
Lamb: "So he would always have a friend."
1. The one night stand
2. Prefa-te ca ma iubesti
3. Dangerous love I. obsession
Cartile astea sunt preferatele mele de pe wattpad.
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