Avril Lavigne - I will be
There's nothing I could say to you./nu este nimic din ce tsi'as putea spune
Nothing I could ever do/nu as putea sa fac nimic
To make you see/ ca sa itsi arat
What you mean to me/ ce insemni pentru mine.
All the pain, the tears I cried/toata durerea, lacrimile scurse
Still you never said goodbye/totusi nu tsi'ai luat niciodata 'la revedere'
And now I know / si acum stiu
How far you'd go./ cat de departe vei merge.
I know I let you down/stiu ca te'am dezamagit
But it's not like that now/dar acum nu e asa.
This time I'll never let you go/de data asta nu te voi dezamagii niciodata.
I will be.all that you want/voi fii tot ceea ce vrei
And get myself together/ si ma voi aduna inapoi
Cause you keep me from falling apart/pentru ca tu ma impiedici sa ma destram.
All my life, I'll be with you forever/toata viatsa mea,voi fii cu tine mereu
To get you through the day/sa trecem peste zi
And make everything okay/si sa fie totul bine
I thought that I had everything/credeam ca aveam totul
I didn't know what life could bring/nu stiam ce'mi poate aduce viatsa
But now I see, honestly/dar acum vad,sincer.
You're the one thing I got right/esti singurul lucru pe care l'am facut bine
The only one I let inside/singurul pe care l'am lasat inauntru
Now I can breathe,'cause you're here with me/acum pot respira pentru ca esti aici,cu mine.
And if I let you down/ si daca te voi dezamagii
I'll turn it all around/voi intoarce totul inapoi
Cause I will never let you go/caci nu te voi lasa niciodata.
I will be.all that you want/voi fii tot ceea ce vrei
And get myself together/ si ma voi aduna inapoi
Cause you keep me from falling apart/pentru ca tu ma impiedici sa ma destram.
All my life, I'll be with you forever/toata viata mea,voi fii cu tine mereu
To get you through the day/sa trecem peste zi
And make everything okay/si sa fie totul bine
'cause without you I cant sleep /pentru ca fara tine nu pot sa dorm
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave/nu te voi lasa niciodata,niciodata sa pleci
You're all I've got, you're all I want/esti tot ce am,esti tot ce vreau.
And without you I don't know what I'd do/si fara tine nu stiu ce m'as face.
I can never, ever live a day without you/nu as putea niciodata.niciodata sa traiesc o zi fara tine.
Here with me, did you see/ aici.cu mine,ai vazut
You're all I need/esti tot ce am nevoie.
And I will be, all that you want /si voi fi tot ceea ce vrei
And get myself together/si ma voi aduna inapoi.
Cause you keep me from falling apart/pentru ca tu ma impiedici sa ma destram.
All my life, I'll be with you forever/toata viata mea,voi fii cu tine mereu
To get you through the day/sa trecem peste zi
And make everything okay/si sa fie totul bine
I will be, all that you want /si voi fi tot ceea ce vrei
And get myself together/si ma voi aduna inapoi.
Cause you keep me from falling apart/pentru ca tu ma impiedici sa ma destram.
And all my life, you know I'll be with you forever/si toata viatsa mea,stii ca voi fi cu tine pentru
To get you through the day/sa trecem peste zi.
And make everything okaaaay/si sa fie totu' bïne.
Bitza - razboi in doi
Esti gandul meu bun
Cand ma ascund in fum
Si spun ca poate o sa am cu tine un final de drum
Si spun ca daca ar pica totul
Dac-as fi cu tine as sti c-am luat tot potul
Esti haina care ma imbraca
In momentu-n care toti ma lasa balta
M-acoperi, ma-ntelegi, ma strangi, ma incalzesti
Ma faci sa cred ca-n doi e mult mai greu sa pierzi
Esti cea care totdeauna imi raspunde
Cand cer intariri, cea care nu se-ascunde
Cea care poate face soare atunci cand ploua
Cea care poate sa ma duca intr-o era noua
Esti bandajul care-l pun pe rana
Cand sangerez la pamant lipsit de orice vlaga
Ma faci sa ma ridic si sa ma scutur de tarana
Sa strang din nou din dinti gata de-o noua lupta
Pote gresesc, poate nu esti tu
Poate m-amagesc sau poate nu
Chiar daca sunt furtuni, ninsori, soare si ploi
In orice razboi e mai usor in doi
Esti camaradul meu cand eu atarn de-un fir de ata
In acest razboi numit viata
Cand inaintez cu greu cu vantu-n fata
M-ajuti fara sa pui prea multe in balanta
Esti glasul ce-l aud cand totu-u jur a tacut
Cand totu-n jur a trecut
Cand linile s-au tras
Si s-au mai dat alte verdicte
Alte sentinte
Alte dorinte
Calcand acelasi monoton esti as
Locu-n care-ntotdeauna m-am intors
Tu ma aduci la normal cand sunt intors pe dos
Si poate n-o arat, dar mi-ar fi mult mai greu
Dac-as ramane fara tine doar un simplu eu
Esti zambetul meu dintr-o noapte neagra
Cand dupa un apus lumina-i dusa toata
Reusesti sa faci totul fara trucuri
Chiar daca sunt tot eu cel care-ti da putine lucruri
Praf pe drum
Cand ma scutur imi spun
Nu e nimeni sa m-adune
cand sunt beat praf nu e nimeni sa ma-ndrume
Orice razboi e mai usor in doi
Nu-mi spune ca sentimentele au ruginit in noi
Armurile au cazut si-acum ochii mari si goi,varsa ploi
Sentimente patate de noroi se torn apoi
Amintiri transformate-n strigoi
Scrisori aruncate la gunoi,voi strange-n pumni ura
Imi va urla gura,va tremura mana
Asta-i razboiul meu cu lumea
Iar tu vei fi doar una,intotdeauna
Cand vor pica din cer si soarele sï luna
Bruno Mars – Grenade
Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same
No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said "hey" when you get back to where you're from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That's just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same
If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me you're a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby...
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no
Trebuie sa fim mai buni
Sa nu ne lasam conduse inimile de minciuni
Caut sa am puterea sa pot sa visez
Sa nu ma opresc din drumul pe care-l urmez
Si ce ma face sa nu cedez
E gandul ca sufletul meu nu e singur
Nu e singur in aceasta lume
Printre suflete reci , bazate pe sume
Caut iubirea ce se-ascunde
In inimile noastre crude
Cat de bine te pricepi la oamenii de p-aici?
Nimeni nu vrea s-o dea la…
Pace p-aici eu vad mai rar si zambete nici macar
In privirile ce le vad la aprozar
Plictisite , ca-s prea multe ispite
Ce te fac sa uiti prietene ca esti om
Raul promite , sa faca binele sa ezite
Sa te faca sa raspunzi la buton
Lasa-te ,lasa-te,lasa-te ascuns de randuri
Pune-te,pune-te,pune-te putin pe ganduri
Ca mi se pare ca-s fise…
Ce te fac un tonomat automat
Strofa 3
Si-am alergat sa nu raman in pas
Ochii pe ceas si-aud un glas
Nu lasa timpul ramas
Sa te faca sa devii un suflet fals
E ura multa , multa
Multa lume nu te-asculta
Si dintr-o suta
E doar un suflet vïu care m-ajuta
Ai da orice sa poti s`o faci, dar nu poate fi oprit,
Timpul a vazut prea multe sa ramana neclintit.
Eternitatea`i un mit, e un beat amortit,
Ametit de sunete ce suna la infinit.
Si eu sunt gol, simt ca cobor, domol,
Fara nici un rol, cu capul in nor, totusi pe sol.
Imbatabil c`o senzatie de zbor,
Fizic mor, usor, sunt un simplu calator.
Printre stele si comete in forma mea astrala
In starea in care, nimic nu ma mai doboara.
Cuvintele nu mai omoara, nu exista nici boala
Si nici greseala prin pulbere stelara si caldura solara
Intr`o pace interioara, pe`o stare primordiala
Caut o comoara, nu vrea s`apara.
Un gand, purtat de vant m`aduce`n simtamant
Imi iau avant, ma zbat, ma zvant, cobor pe pamant !
Aud soapte strigate in obscuritate
Vad lumini colorate, simt forte parfumate
Navighez pe un rau ce curge departe
Ce izvoreste din viata se varsa`n inumanitate.
Poate eu si tu, poate da sau nu,
Poate vei afla raspunsul care`l vrei acum
Pot fi eu si ea, poate nu sau da,
Poate stii ceva, poate e mai bine asa.
Plutesc prin atmosfera lin sub cerul senin
C`o senzatie ciudata de organism intrauterin
Care asteapta strain privirea unui destin
Tremur din plin, te-am zarit, catre tine vin !
Te urmaresc de sus, te strig dar nu raspunzi
Doar te plimb fara nadejde cu pasi mici si cruzi.
Si te ating dar, tu nici nu sesizezi
Sau poate totusi simti ceva si crezi ca visezi.
Nu are rost, pentru tine`s mut, pierdut
Ma aplec ca batut, tacut, iti dau un sarut
Si ma indrept nestiut spre locul unde am crescut,
Unde netemut panza vietii mi-am tesut.
Tu ai venit dupa mine ca scriindu`mi sonetul
Esti in camera mea, plangi, imi mangai portretul.
Eu iti zambesc, si`ti dau un sarut divin,
Stai linistita`ti soptesc, o sa ne reintalnim.
Cu totu` e`atat de negru, sunt pierdut in absolut
Cuprins de un sentiment inascut, necunoscut,
Sustinut de forte invizibile`s pierdut
Ca un surdo-mut, incerc sa`ti zic ceva nepriceput.
Fiecare minut mi`e dat in reluare
Gasesc raspunsul la fiecare`ntrebare
Ca un bleg, leg cap la cap indiciile`nteleg
Tre` sa culeg informatie si-apoi sa aleg
Inconjurat de`o aura patata de pacate
Si o lumina`mi indruma mersul, vad mai departe.
Ma uit in spate, ma`ndrept in fata din curiozitate
Forme albe, sex, spun cantand versuri minunate.
Muzica perfecta, ce impleteste destinul
Nu mai suport locul asta, vreau sa ma intorc la tine.
Nu mai pot sa cant, sa plang, sa fiu, sa scriu
Realizez, e tarziu sa ma`ntorc acasa vïu.
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Te-am dezamagit sau te-am abandonat?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
Ar trebui sa ma simt vinovat sau sa imi las judecatorii sa se incrunte?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Pentru ca am vazut sfarsitul inainte sa incepem,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
Da, am vazut ca erai orbita si stiam ca eu castigasem.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Asa ca am luat ce era al meu printr-un drept etern.
Took your soul out into the night.
Ti-am purtat sufletul prin noapte.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
E posibil sa se fi sfarsit dar nu ma voi opri aici,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
Sunt aici pentru tine, numai de ti-ar pasa.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
Mi-ai atins inima, mi-ai atins sufletul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
Tu mi-ai schimbat viata si telurile.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
Si dragostea e oarba si stiam asta cand
My heart was blinded by you.
Inima mea era orbita de tine.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Ti-am sarutat buzele si ti-am sprijinit capul.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
Ti-am impartasit visele si am ti-impartasit patul.
I know you well, I know your smell.
Te cunosc bine, iti cunosc mirosul.
I've been addicted to you.
Am fost dependent de tine.
Goodbye my lover.
La revedere, iubita mea.
Goodbye my friend.
La revedere, prietena mea.
You have been the one.
Tu ai fost "aceea".
You have been the one for me.
Tu ai fost "aceea" pentru mine.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
Sunt un visator dar ma pot trezi.
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
Nu-mi poti zdrobi spiritul - imi poti lua doar visele.
And as you move on, remember me,
Si pe masura ce te te indepartezi, sa-ti amintesti de mine,
Remember us and all we used to be
Sa-ti amintesti de noi se de ceea ce eram
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
Te-am vazut plangand, ti-am vazut zambetul.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
Te-am vazut dormind pentru o vreme.
I'd be the father of your child.
As prefera sa fiu tatal copilului tau.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
Mi-as petrece o viata cu tine.
I know your fears and you know mine.
Iti cunosc temerile si tu pe ale mele.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
Am avut indoielile noastre dar acum suntem bine.
And I love you, I swear that's true.
Si te iubesc, jur ca e adevarat.
I cannot live without you.
Nu pot trai fara tine.
Goodbye my lover.
La revedere, iubita mea.
Goodbye my friend.
La revedere, prietena mea.
You have been the one.
Tu ai fost "aceea".
You have been the one for me.
Tu ai fost "aceea" pentru mine.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
Si inca iti tin mana in mana mea.
In mine when I'm asleep.
In mana mea atunci cand sunt adormit.
And I will bear my soul in time,
Si imi voi indura sufletul in timp,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Cand ingenunchez la picioarele tale.
Goodbye my lover.
La revedere, iubita mea.
Goodbye my friend.
La revedere, prietena mea.
You have been the one.
Tu ai fost "aceea".
You have been the one for me.
Tu ai fost "aceea" pentru mine.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
Sunt atat de gol, iubïto, sunt atat de gol.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
Sunt atat, sunt atat, sunt atat de gol.
Cino – iubirea mea
Povestea vietii mele drama si comedia,
Romanta si tragedia,dragostea si mania,
Esti poezia mea frumoasa invatata din mers,
Cu fiecare vers sters as distruge un univers
In care fiecare rima exprima delicatete
Ca un sarut furat a`l pielii tale finete
Ca o privire ce m`aduce la temporalitate
Care are un impact la un milion de armate
Cat de frumos tu reprezinti nu exista`n dictionar
Si sa fiu langa tine mi se pare un lucru natural
Natura gandurilor acum depinde de tine
La fel ca fiecare celula din mine ,
Esti torta mea protectoare care`mi lumineaza viata
Chipul angelic cu care ma trezesc dimineata
Esti nevoia de viata motivul pentru care traiesc
Impulsul care`mi accentuaza ritmul firesc,
Al inimii devenite mai nou templu inchinat
Nu unui zeu ci unei fete care m`a castigat
Prin sinceritatea unui zambet cu puterea de a lovi
Definesti verbul "a fi" frumoasa si poti sa stii
In cer ingeri plang cat de profund cu lacrimi cristaline
Sufera pe cai divine spun ca le e dor de tine
Retine esti un inger,dar esti doar a mea stii bine
Golurile ce le am in mine ,tu le faci bine(x2)
Zambet .este pentru mine o clipa de poveste
O simpla privire ma ajuta sa trec peste,orice si astea sunt vorbe oneste
De o viata parca te cunosc dintr`o vreme straveche
Stiu...nu suntem iubiti,suntem suflete pereche
Am stat de veche nopti intregi sa te pazesc
Suflete` mi-am rupt in doua si jumate`ti daruiesc
Spre infinitate tinde`a ceea ce simt pentru tine
Si cand esti departe inima imi bate suspine
Cu imaginea ta sa ma droghez nu ma pot abtine
Sunt fascinat de trasaturile tale atat de fine
Vreau sa ma vezi cu ochi` deschisi sa ma visezi cu ei inchisi
Mi`i te imaginez ma exteriorizez prin cuvinte
Desi nu se poate verbaliza sentimentul esential al fiintei mele
Nu voi incerca sa te conving ,pentru ca stiu, crezi in mine
Si privirile nervoase catre tine sunt senine
Cand tu ma ajuti sa`mi reamintesc sa sti ca-mi hoinaresc
In minte doua cuvinte "TE IUBESC!"
In cer ingeri plang cat de profund cu lacrimi cristaline
Sufera pe cai divine spun ca le e dor de tine
Retine esti un inger,dar esti doar a mea stii bine
Golurile ce le am in mine ,tu le faci bïne
Fabian Buch – Hello Hello
Who´s this?
This is who?
This couldn´t be you.(couldn´t be you)
What you mean you wanna talk about us?
Who´s us?
There´s no me and you! (no me and you)
You should have thought about us when you was with him you wasn´t thinking ’bout me
And now you want me back so you can do the same damn thing (same damn thing)
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number!
And you can keep calling back call me a thousand times and imma keep saying:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number! (got the wrong number)
Oh girl, you broke my heart too many times
For me to say hello
My voice mail it´s your new best friend
Yeah, ’cause i don´t wanna talk to you, don´t wanna talk to you
Trust me
Damn she isn´t hello i won´t ever be with you ever be with you again
You should have thought about us
When you was with him wasn´t thinking ’bout me
And now you want me back so you can do the same damn thing (same damn thing)
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number!
And you can keep calling back call me a thousand times and i might keep say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number! (got the wrong number)
Oh girl, you broke my heart too many times
For me to say hello
I´d rather be alone and say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
I won´t pick up to the phone to say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
Thinkin’ of the cheat you didn´t come home to say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
It used to be yes but this time i say no
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number!
And you can keep calling back call me a thousand times and i might keep say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number!
Oh girl, you broke my heart too many times
For me to say hello
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number!
And you can keep calling back call me a thousand times and i might keep say:
Hello Hello Hello Hello
You got the wrong number! (got the wrong number
Oh girl, you broke my heart too many times
Im about to lose my mind
You’ve been gone for so long
I’m running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to lifeI told the World one day I would pay it back
Say it on tape, and lay it, record it
So that one day I could play it back
But I don’t even know if I would leave it when I’m saying that
Ya’ll start to creep in, everyday its so grey and black
Hope I just need a ray of that
Cause no one see’s my vision when I play it for em
They just say its wack
Thye don’t know what dope is
And I don’t know if I was awake or asleep
When I wrote this,
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest
You picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you
Before the life of me, I dont see why you dont see like I do
But it just dawned on me you lost a son
See this light in you, it’s dark. let me turn on the lights and brigthen me and lighten you
I dont think you realise what you mean to me
Not the slightest clue
Cause me and you were like a crew
I was like your sidekick
You gon either wanna fight me when I get off this f-cking mic
Or you gon hug me
But I’m not an option, theres nothing else I can do cause…Im about to lose my mind
You’ve been gone for so long
I’m running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to lifet hurts when I see you struggle
You come to me with ideas
You say there pieces so I’m puzzled
Cause the shit I hear is crazy
But your either getting lazy or you don’t believe in you no more
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form
Cant make a decision keep questioning yourself
Second guessing and its almost like your begging for my help
Like I’m your leader
Your susposed to be my f-cking mentor
I can endure no more,
I demand you remember who you are
It was YOU, who believed in meWhen everyone was telling you dont sign me
Everyone at the f-cking label, lets tell the truth
You risked your career for me
I know it as well as you
Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy
Thats why I’m crying in this booth
You saved my life, now maybe its my time to save yours
But I can never repay you what you did for me is way more
But I aint giving up faith and you aint giving up on me
Get up Dre, I’m dying I need you, for f-cks sakeIm about to lose my mind
You’ve been gone for so long
I’m running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
(I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life)It literally feels like a lifetime ago
But I still remember the shit like it was yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
Whole room, cracked jokes
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said was riding to a death
But where the f-ck are they now
Now that I need them I dont see none of them
All I see is Slim
F-ck all you fair-weather friends
All I need is him
F-cking backstabbers
When the chips were down you just laughed at us
Now you bout to feel the wrath of aftermath, faggots
You gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
Little crack a jack beat making wack math,
Backwards producers, Im back bastards
One more CD and then I’m packing up my bags and as I’m leaving again
I’ll guarantee they scream Dre don’t leave us like that man cause…Im about to lose my mind
You’ve been gone for so long
I’m running out of time
I need a doctor
Mie acestea imi plac fte mult :X
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