Ai incercat sa folosesti system restore si sa restaurezi calculatorul asa cum era setat inainte de incident (restore point) eu consider ca ar trebui sa incerci asta prima data inainte de a reinstala sistemul de operare. de cele mai multe ori rezolva toate problemele.
de altfel iti recomand o unitate UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) care functioneaza pe post de baterie cand se ia curentul. chiar daca e mai ieftina si tine 10 minute tot va un ajutor urias.
Help and Support/ Backup and Recovery Manager
Using Backup and Recovery Manager
If your HP notebook PC becomes corrupted or unstable, you can use HP Backup and Recovery Manager to restore native software programs, hardware drivers, or the entire hard disk image to the original factory-shipped state. You can also access Microsoft System Restore, which can return your notebook PC settings to a specific restore point.
You can perform a complete system recovery either from a special recovery partition on the hard disk or from a set of recovery discs. Create a set of recovery CDs or DVDs when you first set up your notebook PC, in case you cannot access your hard disk later due to a serious system failure.
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