1.Michael Jackson a fost un mare cantaret american.
2.Cartea intitulata,, Vrajitorul din Oz" mi-a placut la nebunie.
3.Cainii sunt mereu loiali stapanilor.
4.Pentru a juca handball iti trebuie pasiune si devotament.
5. Spider-man 3 a doborat toate audientele in 2009.
1. Michael Jackson was a great American singer.
2. Paper entitled 'The Wizard of Oz "I loved it.
3. Dogs are always loyal to their owners.
4. To play handball you need passion and devotion.
5. Spider-Man 3 has broken all audiences in 2009.
fundita si Paste fericit! pupici, Agutzzza
Te rog sa ma scuzi dar am gresit la a 2 prop in englezza
prop corecta era:
Book (nu paper)entitled 'The Wizard of Oz "I loved it.
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