*I can forgive/ but I can’t forget/ I hope you know/ You’ve lost my respect…
*Oamenii spun ca iubirea e magie. Dar magia e doar iluzie. (People say: "Love is magic." But isn’t magic just an illusion?)
*Imi place sa ne plimbam prin ploaie. Cel putin, in ploaie nu poti sa-mi vezi lacrimile. (At least, in the rain you can’t see my tears.)
*My heart is broken. I guess I can’t fix everything.
*We must get hurt to grow,
We must fail to know.
Wash away your tear
And think clear.
*What’s wrong? Nothing is right.
*Sa ma bucur pentru ca suntem prieteni sau sa fiu trista pentru ca mai mult de atat nu vom fi niciodata? (Should I smile ‘cause we are friends or cry ‘cause that ‘s all we’ll ever be?)
*Dreaming doesn’t hurt. It hurts more to wake up.
*In viata fiecarei fete exista un baiat pe care nu-l va putea uita niciodata. (In every girl’s life there’s a guy she’ll never forget. )
*Credeam ca iubirea noastra e unica sub soare. Dar pentru tine n-am fost decat o fata oarecare. (I thought our love was a precious pearl. But for you I was just another girl.)
*I’m still waiting for the boy who’s never going to come back.
*Sick of crying, tired of trying. I’m smiling, but inside my heart is dying.
*Totul e perfect, exceptand faptul ca m-am saturat de minciunile tale. (Everythig’s perfect, except the fact that I’m tired of lies.)
*Sa stii ca nu-mi lipsesti. Imi lipseste doar cel care credeam ca esti. (I don’t miss you, I miss the person I thought you were. Don’t come back hoping I’ll be there.)
*Though I laugh and say "I’m happy", can’t you see there’s no one who misses you more than me?
*There’s no grater agony than bearing an untold love story inside you.
*I hide my tears when I say your name,/but the pain in my heart is stil the same.
*Dragostea incepe cu un zambet, infloreste cu un sarut si se termina cu o lacrima. (Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
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