A walk to remember
If only
Dear John
The notebook
The girl next door
Never been kissed
The ugly truth
New moon
She's out of my league
Sex and the city 1, 2
Remember me
Alvin and the chipmunks 1, 2
The sisterhood of travelling pants
American pie(toate)
Old dogs
Did you hear about the morgans
I love you Beth Cooper
She's the man
Fired up
The proposal
The hangover
Bratz the movie
Step up
Step up 2 the streets
A cinderella story
Another cinderella story
The house bunny
Save the last dance 1, 2
Mean girls
What a girl wants
American virgin
Legally blondes
Scuze daca am pus prea multe dar mie mi-au placut toate
Mie una mi-a placut mult urmatoarele:
1 sansa vietii (gen drama)
2 A Walk to remember(gen romance)
3 All About Steve (comedie)
Eu am un site pentru filme. se numeste http://www.serialetari.ro/#
primesc fundita?
Mersi, din toate care mi-ati scris am privit A walk to remember, If only, The notebook, Dear John, The girl next door, Remember me, American Pie, Bratz, A cinderella story, Another cinderella story, Shopaholic, What a girl wants,
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