Genurile SF, Comedie sunt pe primul plan la mine.
Amintesc seriale precum Star Trek, Andromeda, Farscape, LeXX... show-ri de comedie cu gust (nu vacanta mare...) chiar desene animate imi plac.
1: American Beauty;
2: A Beautiful Mind;
3: As Good As It Gets;
4: The Matrix (1);
5: The Fast And The Furious;
6: Serendipity;
7: Sweet November;
8: Vanilla Sky;
9: The Transporter;
Si titanic.Sunt multe dar nu mi le mai amintesc.Ciao!:*
Pai sunt multe:
elvira si sotia contelui(e foarte amuzant)
blonda de la drept
mean girls
The House Bunny
A Cinderella Story
Down to you
Not another teen movie
Bring it on
Save the last dance
Just my luck
The perfect man
Another Cinderella Story
Cadet Kelly
The girl next door
Raise your voice
The Lizzie McGuire Movie
What a girl wants
Bratz : The Movie
7 things to do before I’m 30
First daughter
Love Wrecked(toate filmele care mi-au placut le am notate intr-o agenda)
Mi -au placut foarte mult:little man(deci, e prea tare); the butterfly effect(cam psihologic, ce-i drept, dar merge), new moon, she's the man, deja vu, avatar, gladiator(e super, ti-l recomand ca e oleaca de plans.Si am vazut mai multe dar astea sunt cele mai bune.
V for vendetta
Sin city
Closer(asta chiar merita vazut e cu natalie portman si julia roberts)
The godfather
The Godfather 2
Star wars episodes 4 5 6(seria veche)
cam astea imi vin in minte acum dar din toata lista recomand oricui closer si v for vendetta(care este dupa o banda desenata, multi nu stiu asta)
P. S. I love You, Gamer, The Ugly Truth, The Notebook, Avatar (d'oh), Requiem for a Dream, Lord of The Rings, Law Abiding Citizen (super).
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